Drama British YouTuber heelvsbabyface dragged by leftists for criticizing Starfield's pronoun 'option'


Heelvsbabyface (otherwise known as Az) is a British YouTuber who recently went on a two-and-a-half minute rant against the insertion of leftist politics into Bethesda's sci-fi RPG, Starfield. He expresses particular animosity towards the inclusion of pronouns (with the 'choice' to contradict your character's biological sex).

EDIT: Az's rant came from this moment in one of his streams, where he notices every person in a position of authority is female:

Predictably, other big names like Hasan Piker and Mutahar (the same guy who enjoys watching people get beheaded) joined in on the dogpile with their comrades, repeating ad nauseum how anyone who dares criticize left-wing gaslighting tactics is stupid and evil. Even The Act Man - someone who used to be against inserting leftist shit into video games - threw his hat in the ring in a similar fashion to when he supported Black Lives Matter in 2020.

Here's my solution:​

Someone should make a mod to remove the woke pronouns (EDIT: Refer to them as 'preferred pronouns' to distinguish the difference between normal and woke language).​

I know the common rebuttal is to say, 'You still gave them money', and, 'This doesn't fix the larger issue'.

All true. But I'm not suggesting you pay money for Starfield. I'm saying this mod needs to exist to make a statement; to make it clear to everyone involved that - no matter how hard you try to censor the anti-woke pronoun mod by banning it from all the modding sites - normal people like us still exist, and we're not going to get pegged by your forearm-flesh-phalluses every time you demand we bend over.

Varis already hosts mods that undo censorship at the hands of leftist localizers. Therefore, we can go one step further and remove their ideology outright. Make them angry. They deserve a kick in the teeth.
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I'm noticing a lot of concern trolling about "optics" over this, from people who are ostensibly on our side. What the fuck is going on?


They've given up the fight, stand to profit from some unknown factor, were always woke but lied for profit or only hated a specific thing but overall sucks that troon dick (like angry joe).

Whatever the reason this is why I distrust everyone, I can only truly rely on myself. If I'm the only guy left that supports loli hentai then I'm fine with that.


I'm noticing a lot of concern trolling about "optics" over this, from people who are ostensibly on our side. What the fuck is going on?
Some of them are just trash that wanted to make a profit, but and this may get some hate a few do have a bit of a point. It is better to explain how this shit is bad in a calm way than to act like a fucking screaming retard.


Some of them are just trash that wanted to make a profit, but and this may get some hate a few do have a bit of a point. It is better to explain how this shit is bad in a calm way than to act like a fucking screaming retard.
That's a disingenuous argument since people are doing both. This happened to get momentum though so it's better to run with it rather than kill the momentum with concern trolling.


That's a disingenuous argument since people are doing both. This happened to get momentum though so it's better to run with it rather than kill the momentum with concern trolling.
I'm just saying what I think is better I have no problem at all with the people being smart about it I don't even really have a big issue with people acting retarded even though I think it could make things a bit more difficult. And I agree that it is better to run with it but now that we have people's attention people need to explain it in a calm and smart way.


Patron of the Forums
I'm noticing a lot of concern trolling about "optics" over this, from people who are ostensibly on our side. What the fuck is going on?
They were never on your side. Like that lurid Indian waste of space, Mathasa or whatever the fuck his name was.
I'm just saying what I think is better I have no problem at all with the people being smart about it I don't even really have a big issue with people acting retarded even though I think it could make things a bit more difficult. And I agree that it is better to run with it but now that we have people's attention people need to explain it in a calm and smart way.
Muh optics never worked, retard.


They were never on your side. Like that lurid Indian waste of space, Mathasa or whatever the fuck his name was.

Muh optics never worked, retard.
And acting retarded has? The only time I have seen anyone be convinced is through logic not acting like a fucking retard like you seem to be suggesting. Thank god I learned Japanese forever ago so I still have a mountain of old shit to go through because man the new shit will just continue to be completely fucked if we do things your way.


Patron of the Forums
And acting retarded has? The only time I have seen anyone be convinced is through logic not acting like a fucking retard like you seem to be suggesting. Thank god I learned Japanese forever ago so I still have a mountain of old shit to go through because man the new shit will just continue to be completely fucked if we do things your way.
Actually gatekeeping retards does work, yes. That means being as hostile as possible towards anyone that is clearly a tourist. It's because of "muh optics" we're in this situation in the first place.


Actually gatekeeping retards does work, yes. That means being as hostile as possible towards anyone that is clearly a tourist. It's because of "muh optics" we're in this situation in the first place.
When the fuck did I say dont gatekeep? Now let me ask you this do you think it is better to scream "OMG pronouns the game is trash dont buy it!" or do you think it is better to explain calmly that their inclusion is ESG bullshit and that supporting it will lead to even more problems in the future? Remember you aren't trying to convince retarded leftists here you are trying to convince the average man buying a game.


Patron of the Forums
When the fuck did I say dont gatekeep? Now let me ask you this do you think it is better to scream "OMG pronouns the game is trash dont buy it!" or do you think it is better to explain calmly that their inclusion is ESG bullshit and that supporting it will lead to even more problems in the future? Remember you aren't trying to convince retarded leftists here you are trying to convince the average man buying a game.
Or, I could explain it's bullshit and also tell tourists not only to kill themselves, but do it on video, tourists will involve the "average man" a lot of times. Normieshits have ruined the internet and most communities, your "but mut optics" only allowed them to infiltrate and be actually accepted when it shouldn't have been the case. Being kind and considerate to retards has never once worked and "the average man" is average for a reason, I'd actually call him mediocre, irrelevant. Hostility is the way to go, I don't need "the average man" to continue "being part" of my "community" (not like he ever was, he bought Starfield, he's a coonsoomer). "The average man" is the dude playing Fifa in his spare time, 20 minutes every week, you fucking idiot.


Or, I could explain it's bullshit and also tell tourists not only to kill themselves, but do it on video, tourists will involve the "average man" a lot of times. Normieshits have ruined the internet and most communities, your "but mut optics" only allowed them to infiltrate and be actually accepted when it shouldn't have been the case. Being kind and considerate to retards has never once worked and "the average man" is average for a reason, I'd actually call him mediocre, irrelevant. Hostility is the way to go, I don't need "the average man" to continue "being part" of my "community" (not like he ever was, he bought Starfield, he's a coonsoomer). "The average man" is the dude playing Fifa in his spare time, 20 minutes every week, you fucking idiot.
When the fuck did I say to be kind and considerate to fucking retards? Hell, when the fuck did I say to do either in general? And I think you are completley misunderstanding what I mean when I say the average man. I don't mean Plumber Joe who only plays CoD or other mainstream stuff you dipshit. I am talking about the guy who buys games and isn't pointing out the woke shit or pushing it either and if you think shit will be fine if you ignore that guy then I think you are actually fucking retarded. Jesus christ I hope you are pulling my fucking leg here.


When the fuck did I say dont gatekeep? Now let me ask you this do you think it is better to scream "OMG pronouns the game is trash dont buy it!" or do you think it is better to explain calmly that their inclusion is ESG bullshit and that supporting it will lead to even more problems in the future? Remember you aren't trying to convince retarded leftists here you are trying to convince the average man buying a game.
The only thing that matters is who controls the narrative. Gamergate tried the whole optics thing, but since it was never able to wrest control of the narrative it died being known as a "misogynistic hate movement".

If you actually care about this issue then 100% of your effort should be spend on countering the narrative, not quibbling over the way something is said like a woman.


The only thing that matters is who controls the narrative. Gamergate tried the whole optics thing, but since it was never able to wrest control of the narrative it died being known as a "misogynistic hate movement".

If you actually care about this issue then 100% of your effort should be spend on countering the narrative, not quibbling over the way something is said like a woman.
I absolutely care, but from what I have seen actually explaining how this stuff is bad in a calm way has actually convinced people I have even done it myself. I have yet to see someone who didn't really care start to care after reading a post or watching a video where some dude just gets pissed off. If somebody wants to get angry then fine do it but be smart and actually explain how the stuff is bad. If one of you has an example or 2 of the other way working then please show me or tell me about it because if it works I have no issue with it.


Patron of the Forums
When the fuck did I say to be kind and considerate to fucking retards? Hell, when the fuck did I say to do either in general? And I think you are completley misunderstanding what I mean when I say the average man. I don't mean Plumber Joe who only plays CoD or other mainstream stuff you dipshit. I am talking about the guy who buys games and isn't pointing out the woke shit or pushing it either and if you think shit will be fine if you ignore that guy then I think you are actually fucking retarded. Jesus christ I hope you are pulling my fucking leg here.
You're touting optics, that's exactly what you'll be doing, you'll just stand there like a thirsty little flower while tourists take a piss on you for free, wasting your time to "debate" every gaslighter instead of just telling them to kill themselves and keeping your community clean. Narmi gave you a perfect example of how that shit never worked with Gamergate.
The "average man" is exactly that, the same guy that will never know and will not ever want to know you exist, they play Fifa and they unironically actually play Starfield, no one cares about your stupid arguments, the majority of those buying this type of shit don't care either way.


You're touting optics, that's exactly what you'll be doing, you'll just stand there like a thirsty little flower while tourists take a piss on you for free, wasting your time to "debate" every gaslighter instead of just telling them to kill themselves and keeping your community clean. Narmi gave you a perfect example of how that shit never worked with Gamergate.
The "average man" is exactly that, the same guy that will never know and will not ever want to know you exist, they play Fifa and they unironically actually play Starfield, no one cares about your stupid arguments, the majority of those buying this type of shit don't care either way.
Think what you want but I have convinced people by doing things my way so I will continue to do things my way. If you want to do things your way go ahead I wont say anything about it since you say it works well. I do wonder how you plan on really stopping shitty people from getting into stuff you like though.


Patron of the Forums
Think what you want but I have convinced people by doing things my way so I will continue to do things my way. If you want to do things your way go ahead I wont say anything about it since you say it works well. I do wonder how you plan on really stopping shitty people from getting into stuff you like though.
I wonder how you plan on really stopping shitty people from getting into stuff you like as well. :kekw: It's not really an argument from your side, is it? Because if you're "civil" (weak) with people that will gladly walk over you, they will walk over you. That's the fucking point, infiltrators don't care, "civility" tends to involve a whole lot of handwaving mistakes and weird suggestions, because hey, we're nice and shit.
Meeting vitriol and distrust from every direction though because they're newfags and/or miss the point of the lore/mechanics/community in general? It seemingly works, it's called gatekeeping. If they really care (or want to care), they will stop being pansies and study the thing, be humble and not misstep.


I wonder how you plan on really stopping shitty people from getting into stuff you like as well. :kekw: It's not really an argument from your side, is it? Because if you're "civil" (weak) with people that will gladly walk over you, they will walk over you. That's the fucking point, infiltrators don't care, "civility" tends to involve a whole lot of handwaving mistakes and weird suggestions, because hey, we're nice and shit.
Meeting vitriol and distrust from every direction though because they're newfags and/or miss the point of the lore/mechanics/community in general? It seemingly works, it's called gatekeeping. If they really care (or want to care), they will stop being pansies and study the thing, be humble and not misstep.
Why do you think I am being civil with retards? I never said to do that I said to not sound like a retard to people that like whatever you like, but don't advertise their stance. Those people can potentially be brought over to your side. And how do I plan to stop retards from getting into stuff? Sadly in a lot of cases you cant but the best defense that I have seen is to be extremely hostile to them and to use whatever it is that you are a fan of to your advantage. I'll use Blue Archive as an example. I have seen woke retards trying to get into the game even though it is full of stuff that they hate, but the community goes so extreme with the cunny posts that it is pretty much known as the cunny game now and most retards dont wanna touch it.