Drama British YouTuber heelvsbabyface dragged by leftists for criticizing Starfield's pronoun 'option'


The lack of strength is something I have noticed for awhile and I don't even mean the strength that comes from corporate and government support. Our side just doesn't seem that interested in doing fucking anything other than the bare fucking minimum. Here is an example of what I mean. When the retards see something they don't like they swarm the twitter accounts of the company that did it like fucking insects and post their complaints. What does our side do when we see something we don't like? We will do a quote retweet or make a fucking youtube video about it. Now what fucking company is gonna give a flying fuck about that shit? Why don't the accounts on our side with bigger followings try to get people to do something? The other side gathers together and hits shit hard why don't we?

I supposed it's just the nature of the 2 groups . Their side is made up of followers, who just want to be part of something. They don't truly care about the subject at hand, or whether they are right or wrong (of course they think they're the heroes though, which is why they're so dangerous). Many of them are also ignorant, young, impulsive kids with no money but a lot of time to waste. You may think all that's bad but it's actually really effective in warfare. They are bad individual people but they make good soldiers. They listen to what the Authority have to say (MSM, Government, Uni professor, etc.) then move and do as they are told.

Meanwhile "our side" is made up of people with independent thought, which has always been the minority. Maybe older and busy with jobs and families too. Sounds nice and all but a coherent army it does not make. We basically just complain online before returning to our daily duties. For the other side, complaining online IS their daily duties.

It's like how you may disapprove of a communist dictatorship like China. But China can definitely conscript and assemble an army way faster than a democratic country that asks for people's opinion could. Who do you think will win that war?

The proof is in this very thread. This place is basically tiny yet people still managed to disagree enough to be at each other's throat. How's an army like this but 1000X in size supposed to agree on anything to act on?


Patron of the Forums
The lack of strength is something I have noticed for awhile and I don't even mean the strength that comes from corporate and government support. Our side just doesn't seem that interested in doing fucking anything other than the bare fucking minimum. Here is an example of what I mean. When the retards see something they don't like they swarm the twitter accounts of the company that did it like fucking insects and post their complaints. What does our side do when we see something we don't like? We will do a quote retweet or make a fucking youtube video about it. Now what fucking company is gonna give a flying fuck about that shit? Why don't the accounts on our side with bigger followings try to get people to do something? The other side gathers together and hits shit hard why don't we?
Because of retards like you that love optics. Big accounts also love optics.


Because of retards like you that love optics. Big accounts also love optics.
Yes dumbass that must be it even though those same people are already complaining just not in a smart way. People are already going after heelvsbabyface for instance so why would he care about optics? Why stop at making a video when he and his followers could have posted on the starfield account and given their complaints? Would it have helped here? I doubt it since bethesda is braindead but why don't people like RGE try it with Japanese companies who aren't as retarded as the western ones? You seem to think optics are the biggest problem but I think it is that people just lack fucking balls or in your case a brain. And what about smaller accounts that still have a following? I don't mean to call out Ene, but he is エニ on Twitter right? 4814 followers isn't a ton but if 1000 or even a couple hundred of those posted on a JP companies account complaining about something it would definitely be noticed. Are you saying he cares about optics as well? Or has he already done what I am saying and I just never saw it? And what about this place? Do you guys ever do anything like that or do you just sit here and call eachother retarded without doing anything even remotely useful? And of course that last part doesn't apply to people like Ene since he does do useful things.


Patron of the Forums
The lack of strength is something I have noticed for awhile and I don't even mean the strength that comes from corporate and government support. Our side just doesn't seem that interested in doing fucking anything other than the bare fucking minimum. Here is an example of what I mean. When the retards see something they don't like they swarm the twitter accounts of the company that did it like fucking insects and post their complaints. What does our side do when we see something we don't like? We will do a quote retweet or make a fucking youtube video about it. Now what fucking company is gonna give a flying fuck about that shit? Why don't the accounts on our side with bigger followings try to get people to do something? The other side gathers together and hits shit hard why don't we?
>why won't the bigger accounts try to do something

again like i said because they are optics obsessed fucking cowards and when someone does try to do something retards will jump and say "no we dont do thinks like that" or "let's try to not be so mean"

sounds familiar?


>why won't the bigger accounts try to do something

again like i said because they are optics obsessed fucking cowards and when someone does try to do something retards will jump and say "no we dont do thinks like that" or "let's try to not be so mean"

sounds familiar?
Ah so even people like RGE care about optics. And who cares if someone trys to stop you if you do something? If the person thinks what they are doing will help that shouldn't stop them. I wish someone would answer my other question about why much smaller accounts with a bit of following wont do anything, but I guess that might be too tough for people. And it seems like nobody is interested in answering my other question either, but maybe you can. What about this place? Do you guys ever do anything useful? Translating stuff and comparing things is good but do you guys ever try to do anything else? You don't care about optics so why not gather people together and do something? You don't need tons of followers for that. I'm starting to think that very few people here actually do anything.


Ah so even people like RGE care about optics. And who cares if someone trys to stop you if you do something? If the person thinks what they are doing will help that shouldn't stop them. I wish someone would answer my other question about why much smaller accounts with a bit of following wont do anything, but I guess that might be too tough for people. And it seems like nobody is interested in answering my other question either, but maybe you can. What about this place? Do you guys ever do anything useful? Translating stuff and comparing things is good but do you guys ever try to do anything else? You don't care about optics so why not gather people together and do something? You don't need tons of followers for that. I'm starting to think that very few people here actually do anything.
It's not that simple when society hates you for everything you stand for. When anything you do to help has only lead to people calling you a monster and saying "You're just as bad as he is." and not recognizing the sacrifice we do to help said person. It's gotten to the point where people are just fed up and decided to let the normies deal with it themselves. You may talk about trying to rally people and going over to the sites themselves to get people to notice, but it will not work. They'll the admins will erase the message and block those that take part, or ignore it if the the group is small.

The idea is not optics nor trying to rally people. The idea is funding. The reason why these companies are doing this woke shit and D.I.E programs are cause of ESG money. It doesn't matter how much we throw at them, ESG will keep them floating above water with no problems. It's the reason why your idea will fail. But there's a much better idea that you aren't seeing. And that's creating our own work. It's the reason why RGE hasn't try it with the Japanese companies. He's too busy creating his own work and bringing people in with his work. That's how we can beat these guys.


It's not that simple when society hates you for everything you stand for. When anything you do to help has only lead to people calling you a monster and saying "You're just as bad as he is." and not recognizing the sacrifice we do to help said person. It's gotten to the point where people are just fed up and decided to let the normies deal with it themselves. You may talk about trying to rally people and going over to the sites themselves to get people to notice, but it will not work. They'll the admins will erase the message and block those that take part, or ignore it if the the group is small.

The idea is not optics nor trying to rally people. The idea is funding. The reason why these companies are doing this woke shit and D.I.E programs are cause of ESG money. It doesn't matter how much we throw at them, ESG will keep them floating above water with no problems. It's the reason why your idea will fail. But there's a much better idea that you aren't seeing. And that's creating our own work. It's the reason why RGE hasn't try it with the Japanese companies. He's too busy creating his own work and bringing people in with his work. That's how we can beat these guys.
You say I don't see the better idea but that is incorrect. I have been an illustrator for almost 6 years now so I do create my own work. Yes it is just artwork so you could argue that what I do isn't as helpful as someone who does writing, but when I do work for someone I can usually design things how I want and I try to make less safe designs. I am also trying to get better at writing in Japanese so I can try to publish a manga that is entirely mine, but it is probably gonna be another year or so before I am confident enough. Oh and I can tell some of you guys don't really like me but I hope you all understand that we are still on the same side. And if anyone here is seriously trying to create something and they need an artist I might be able to help if I am not already busy.


Patron of the Forums
Ah so even people like RGE care about optics. And who cares if someone trys to stop you if you do something? If the person thinks what they are doing will help that shouldn't stop them. I wish someone would answer my other question about why much smaller accounts with a bit of following wont do anything, but I guess that might be too tough for people. And it seems like nobody is interested in answering my other question either, but maybe you can. What about this place? Do you guys ever do anything useful? Translating stuff and comparing things is good but do you guys ever try to do anything else? You don't care about optics so why not gather people together and do something? You don't need tons of followers for that. I'm starting to think that very few people here actually do anything.
well i for one don't buy videogames that have been altered or sanitized during "localization" , same rule applies to stuff that uses the pronoun or bodytype a and b bullshit.

i am studying japanese and i give reccomendations to my closer circles about indies that are not woke.
i can't do much besides that since well i studied on something completely not related to vidya nor arts

i also give money to shizus patreon and that money goes into this forum and other side projects those guys have.

kyonko who is mostly on the fedi instance has worked on a de-localization patch for FE fates
while ene besides doing the comparison stuff about localizations has also translated some mangas

you can go an cry about how we "don't do anything" but that does not apply to me faggot


well i for one don't buy videogames that have been altered or sanitized during "localization" , same rule applies to stuff that uses the pronoun or bodytype a and b bullshit.

i am studying japanese and i give reccomendations to my closer circles about indies that are not woke.
i can't do much besides that since well i studied on something completely not related to vidya nor arts

i also give money to shizus patreon and that money goes into this forum and other side projects those guys have.

kyonko who is mostly on the fedi instance has worked on a de-localization patch for FE fates
while ene besides doing the comparison stuff about localizations has also translated some mangas

you can go an cry about how we "don't do anything" but that does not apply to me faggot
Jesus christ you read my post as poorly as a twitter retard would. I asked if anyone here did anything of worth because how would I know if someone did? I didn't say that you or anybody else didn't for certain I just haven't seen much here calm the fuck down dipshit.