Discussion Fallout Series General

Out of the listed major factions, which one do you like the most?

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Fallout for better or worst has been around for quite a while as a gaming franchise. This thread is for people to just talk about their favorite Fallout games whether that be the classics isometrics, New Vegas, or the Bethesda ones. Post memes, discuss who should win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam for the hundredth time, post what type of character your making, mods that catch your fancy, discuss lore or doom post about the general state of the franchise.

Going to shamelessly copy another thread here but where did you guys start out with the series and which one is your favorite? For me personally, I started out with Fallout New Vegas and even now I consider New Vegas to be my favorite game in the series. The ability to basically just start as a complete nobody with the only real backstory your given being that your a mail man gives you plenty of options to role play whatever type of character you want and rationalize your actions however you please.


I love my corrupt democracies, but independent is for the best at the end of the day.

I started out with Fallout New Vegas and even now I consider New Vegas to be my favorite game in the series.
I started with 3, which I loved at the time, but as soon as I played New Vegas it wasn't even a contest any more. There's something about new vegas that makes it so replayable. That makes you want to replay it, compared to 3 which I played the one time and never could be bothered to go at it again, till recently, and that was only cause of TTW.
New Vegas was so replayable for me that I didn't touch any of the DLCs until about 400 hours in and many many replays, and that was only cause of that TTW run I did, where I played through all of Fallout 3 and New Vegas with a single character for a video I never ended up finishing editing on :satania-cry:.

mods that catch your fancy
I'm in the middle of that Frontier mod, the original unedited one. It's not as awful as expected, I wouldn't recommend anyone play it, but it isn't as bad... yet. Just incredibly generic, forgettable, and full of "why would you do that" writing.

post what type of character your making
No matter what run I decided to do I always end up with a stealth character, and only use the brush gun, quite possibly the most OP weapon I've touched in that game.

discuss who should win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam for the hundredth time
Naturally only Tlaloc is fit to take Hoover Dam (I don't actually have any screenshots while playing :hinata-acid:)
View attachment 1617054128244.png

Post memes

also thread theme, don't think its in fallout but its fitting
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never played the games but Ive watched a lot of videos and I find the lore quite fascinating.
new vegas and the old ones would be my favorites

and yeah the old timey music is great


where did you guys start out with the series and which one is your favorite?
I started with 3 and it is actually my favorite in terms of atmosphere and world. While NV have better game play It's to jolly in my opinion.

what type of character your making
Exclusively sniper character. Unless in 4 where melee is just so much more fun.

who should win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam for the hundredth time,
Without the player's help Legion every time.

And leta just poset some videos here

I haven't laughed so much at a game play video in a long time.

And here's a challenge series by Many A True Nerd attempting playing NV on 1 health-bar With no healing.


I started with 3, which I loved at the time, but as soon as I played New Vegas it wasn't even a contest any more. There's something about new vegas that makes it so replayable. That makes you want to replay it, compared to 3 which I played the one time and never could be bothered to go at it again, till recently, and that was only cause of TTW.
New Vegas was so replayable for me that I didn't touch any of the DLCs until about 400 hours in and many many replays, and that was only cause of that TTW run I did, where I played through all of Fallout 3 and New Vegas with a single character for a video I never ended up finishing editing on :satania-cry:.
Funny enough, I originally wanted to get Fallout 3 first after seeing some YouTube videos about it. Fallout 3 wasn't available for me to get at the time so I settled for New Vegas which turned out to be one of better gaming decisions I had made. TTW is an incredible mod on a technical level and I have replayed Fallout 3 before on it a couple times, but after a while I usually drop it because at the end of day, its still Fallout 3 and it's writing is on the whole pretty bad compared to New Vegas.

I'm in the middle of that Frontier mod, the original unedited one. It's not as awful as expected, I wouldn't recommend anyone play it, but it isn't as bad... yet. Just incredibly generic, forgettable, and full of "why would you do that" writing.
Oh boy, that mod is a hella of a train wreck. Its not the worst mod I have ever seen and it's pretty clear that a lot of work went into it, but "generic, forgettable and why would you do that" fit pretty well in describing the mod. If your wondering why it feels that way it's because the mod writers aside from being hacks who blatantly plagiarized scenes from other games, many of them did not even like or play New Vegas. One guy claims that he only got half way into the main story before he stopped playing. Feels like the only reason why the Frontier is even a New Vegas mod to begin with is because Fallout 3's modding tools aren't as good as New Vegas.

For anyone who doesn't care about being spoiled about the mod's story, these guys are fucking hilarious and they post various highlights about the entire mod as they went through.
No matter what run I decided to do I always end up with a stealth character, and only use the brush gun, quite possibly the most OP weapon I've touched in that game.
The most enjoyable type of playthrough for me is a Legion double agent character. The NCR is everywhere in New Vegas and the Legion doesn't have as many quest themselves due to cut content. That being said, you can still do certain NCR quests but twist them in a way that still serves the Legion. Like during the Bounty questline where you have to kill some raider leaders that are giving the NCR some problems, you can get a group of snipers to follow you against one of them. They usually like to hang out near a ruined construction site where I lined a bunch of C4 on. I stealth, click the detonator and boom goes First Recon. I don't lose any rep with the NCR and I took out a dangerous group of snipers that would have given the Legion some issues. Fun stuff.

Naturally only Tlaloc is fit to take Hoover Dam (I don't actually have any screenshots while playing :hinata-acid:)
Ah Old World Blues. That's a fun HoI 4 mod. Can do all sorts a cool routes with that.

never played the games but Ive watched a lot of videos and I find the lore quite fascinating.
new vegas and the old ones would be my favorites
You should give them a shot. Fallout 1 and 2 can be hard to get into if your not use to that style of game(I would know I got filtered by it), but they are genuinely good games. Fallout New Vegas is a lot more approachable and it does a good job of explaining and giving context for elements of the previous games that show up.


New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time, throughout all of my years of playing it from Xbox to PC, I've probably got 1000-1100 hours in it easy. the writing it in it superb and I'm mad that Bethesda rushed Obsidian so much and denied them of their bonus because the metacritic score was 1 point off (which wouldve been fixed anyway if they had just had more development time than 11 months)


I started with Fallout 3, and as much as I thank it for introducing me to the series it's probably the hardest game to go back to. I don't think there's any contest that New Vegas is the best in series so far, even though I generally enjoy 1 and 2 and can go back to them almost any time.

I've tried many times to come to terms with Fallout 4, even went so far as to install quite a few pieces of DLC to change how the combat is into something that is almost passable, but it never keeps my attention, there's endless videos out there that can tell you what the flaws of fallout 4 are, but for me it's Bethesda's most boring world to date, I've never completed Skyrim before either but I certainly get further in that than I do Fallout 4.

Going back to New Vegas, while I can't play it for 10 hours straight like I used to, it still is great to pick up since my mods are all intact. For me though I'd really like to find a modpack that really changes up the experience as I play loli gunslinger luck crits build for the 90th time. I came across Wabbajack in my travels for trying to make Skyrim interesting, but it also has two modlists for New Vegas that I might check out.


I first got into Fallout with 3 as well, but unlike nearly every other person on the planet, I replayed it multiple times yet have never completed a single NV playthrough ever. I don't know what it is, but I just can't get into it. Maybe its the fact that its a GIANT FUCKING DESERT and people will NOT stop talking about how great it is, we fucking get it. Christ. but I just get bored by the time I actually GET to New Vegas.

I enjoyed Fallout 4 despite Todds lies and have currently modded the fuck out of it to make my character a cute anime girl, alongside having all my raifus from GFL (love my silenced M14). I grabbed the original Fallout when it was free on Steam but it's most definitely not aged well. A great game for its time, for sure, but I tried it for like 10 minutes and gave up.

But we can all agree that death is a preferable alternative to communism.

Deliberate Zero

Fallout 3 confused me right from the start, when I couldn't understand the pre-release hype I was hearing. Years later I got around to playing it, and every time I've completely bounced off the game shortly before or after Megaton. Didn't give it much thought after that, until one day I tried New Vegas and was immediately hooked. I can't put my finger on just what Fallout 3 does that I can't stand.

I've been thinking about replaying New Vegas in the not-too-distant future, since I never had the DLCs back in the day.


I’m a total noob to Fallout. I bought some games during the steam summer sale and among them were Fallout 1, 2, 3, Tactics, and New Vegas. Tactics didn’t work, and I played a little bit of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas before diving into 3. I wanted to give it a chance because most people say that Fallout New Vegas makes 3 obsolete.

I've been having a rough time in the capital wasteland and I'm wondering if that’s on par for the fallout experience. I’ve looked up some tips on the internet and things are starting to look up for me in game. I'd be eager to post a record of my first adventures if you guys would like me to.

Also this:


I’m a total noob to Fallout. I bought some games during the steam summer sale and among them were Fallout 1, 2, 3, Tactics, and New Vegas. Tactics didn’t work, and I played a little bit of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas before diving into 3. I wanted to give it a chance because most people say that Fallout New Vegas makes 3 obsolete.

I've been having a rough time in the capital wasteland and I'm wondering if that’s on par for the fallout experience. I’ve looked up some tips on the internet and things are starting to look up for me in game. I'd be eager to post a record of my first adventures if you guys would like me to.

Also this:
Pro-tip: Since you own Fallout New Vegas and 3, just play the Tale of Two Wastelands. You get all the pros of New Vegas, with the story of 3. (It starts you in the Capital Wasteland as the Chosen One(?), and you can travel between the 2 wastelands)

Lost Branch

Pro-tip: Since you own Fallout New Vegas and 3, just play the Tale of Two Wastelands. You get all the pros of New Vegas, with the story of 3. (It starts you in the Capital Wasteland as the Chosen One(?), and you can travel between the 2 wastelands)
To add on to this for an easy install, Wabbajack has a full Tale of Two Wastelands installer. Been using it for a little while and haven't had any issues. Wabbajack also has a bunch of other mod packs for a several other games too.


Pro-tip: Since you own Fallout New Vegas and 3, just play the Tale of Two Wastelands. You get all the pros of New Vegas, with the story of 3. (It starts you in the Capital Wasteland as the Chosen One(?), and you can travel between the 2 wastelands)
But why would you want any of fallout 3?


But why would you want any of fallout 3?
What kills 3 is the crappy controls. Something you don't have to deal with in Tale of Two Wastelands. It makes 3 fun to play again.


Pro-tip: Since you own Fallout New Vegas and 3, just play the Tale of Two Wastelands. You get all the pros of New Vegas, with the story of 3. (It starts you in the Capital Wasteland as the Chosen One(?), and you can travel between the 2 wastelands)
Thanks, I'll look into it. I was originally hesitate toward mods because I wanted a genuine fallout experience, but if I can just stick the two games together then I'm willing to make an exception.
Anyway have you heard of project Nevada? a lot of people in YouTube videos recommend it, do you? Also if I tried using a companion mod like liberty prime or the Storyteller, would it make the game to easy?

Speaking of the storyteller, anyone here seen Shoddycast's show?


because I wanted a genuine fallout experience
1. Mistake
2. If you just use TTW it'll still be vanilla anyway lol. Just a much better Fallout 3 experience.

Anyway have you heard of project Nevada?
beat the game on vanilla first
would it make the game to easy?
probably. depends on how balanced it is.

but like I said, just beat the game on vanilla first then mod it to your hearts content lol.


Found this sort of fun and interesting a gun expert pointing out flaws and fun facts about guns in FNV.


Well after multiple reinstalls and plenty of crashes, I’ve finally done it. Here starts the Pure Hearted Villains:


Tale of Two Wastelands.

So what if the games wrecks my whole pc if I don’t close it properly? and sometimes that doesn’t work either way.

Back to the Topic at hand, I awoke in the nuclear wastelands of the fallout world not in the hands of my father, but in Mitchell's house. I’m hoping that Fallout 3 is still here and nothing is messed up.

I proceed with selecting my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats, perks, and skills. I choose not going lower than 5 for each stat so I gave myself 3 extra in Luck and 2 extra in Perception. I wanted to get a character close to myself while still being good for a newcomer (and I heard Charisma was apparently useless or something), I made my skills Energy Weapons, Barter, and Speech. The ladder two because I heard they were useful, and the first because how could I say no to lasers.
My perks were Hoarder and Good Natured, make of that what you will.






Apparently my love of lasers was so strong that it actually manifested in the game because guess what Doc gave me.


Yep, I apparently had a Laser pistol on me before a wild Benny appeared! I don’t know if this is because of the mod, or if you're given a random gun, or if this is because of some file messing around I did earlier but hey, I ain’t complaining!

I was originally going to head to sunny first but something caught my eye. I giant cross in the distance. Now here’s a little something about me, the G.O.A.T. determined my job in my first Fallout 3 playthrough (before I learned Tale of Two Wasteland existed) I was to be the Vault Chaplin. So when I saw a giant cross in the distance surviving the devastation, I went over to investigate. Using my superior perception to avoid hostilities, I arrived:


It was apparently someone's memorial, and I found a radio signal near it. I’ll probably follow the signal to some quest later. Unless it’s something you guys think I should avoid for now or something.

Other then that I found a bag containing:

So yeah, I’m coming back here later after finishing up with Sunny.

Other than that I'm just glad that I can start my journey.

Also is the option for a white Hud standard in fallout or is that a mod feature.


Sorry for double posting/not being active (assuming you missed me). I was having too much fun in TTW. I was actually considering uploading a document or a video about my travels for you guys if your interested, but that might not happen now. You see today Fallout 3 got an update on steam which completely removes windows live.
You can actually see the difference in the menu and now I can open it without needing to use the windows live disabler.

While I'm glad that it got an update so more people can play it out of the box, but as far as I can tell TTW won't work with this update... so yeah.... Maybe I should consider getting the Gog version but that's currently what's up.


I was having too much fun in TTW.
You still dicking around in the capitol wasteland or have you moved on to the Mojave? How you doing with the DLCs as well?
I was actually considering uploading a document or a video about my travels for you guys if your interested, but that might not happen now.
i'd be interested in reading that if you write it out
You see today Fallout 3 got an update on steam which completely removes windows live.
holy shit it is about time.