Fallout for better or worst has been around for quite a while as a gaming franchise. This thread is for people to just talk about their favorite Fallout games whether that be the classics isometrics, New Vegas, or the Bethesda ones. Post memes, discuss who should win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam for the hundredth time, post what type of character your making, mods that catch your fancy, discuss lore or doom post about the general state of the franchise.
Going to shamelessly copy another thread here but where did you guys start out with the series and which one is your favorite? For me personally, I started out with Fallout New Vegas and even now I consider New Vegas to be my favorite game in the series. The ability to basically just start as a complete nobody with the only real backstory your given being that your a mail man gives you plenty of options to role play whatever type of character you want and rationalize your actions however you please.
Going to shamelessly copy another thread here but where did you guys start out with the series and which one is your favorite? For me personally, I started out with Fallout New Vegas and even now I consider New Vegas to be my favorite game in the series. The ability to basically just start as a complete nobody with the only real backstory your given being that your a mail man gives you plenty of options to role play whatever type of character you want and rationalize your actions however you please.