Happenings Japanese voice actress visits shine. makes CCP bugmen mad and she gets removed from arknights

News and big events. It's happening boys
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bugmen at it again #bugwatch


recently a Japanese voice actor by the name of Ai Kayano paid a lovely visit to the "controversial" Yasukuni Shrine. which commemorates millions of Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals (very spicey)

due to the fact, she described her visit as “comfortable” and said the air there was fresh. this sparked a lot of outrage from CCP bug men pissed off by the fact she dared to go to and describe the place positively. regardless of if she even knew the political influence

now I'm not super informed on the shine itself or its history. I do know the japs did some fucked up shit in WW2. so I can get some people not being too happy about them having a memorial or shine in the same way people would nazi deaths. but this topic is not really about the politics of all that shit. and more about the calls and acts of censorship that have come out of this event

but to think this is all it took to set these people off


if you want to read more about the subject here are some articles about it linked in the spoiler


so with the background out of the way let's talk about what most people are here for. arknights

in arknights Kayano voices the character platinum, and since this event and the subsequent backlash the developers have seen fit to remove her voice from the game as seen in this screenshot where you can see the VA credit is removed


this was pointed out on Reddit where people in the comments are reporting a message saying that HG (the devs) staff stating they're in the process of negotiating the same removal from all other versions of Arknights, but this will take some time to finalize.

this means this will be different from past cases I've talked about like in this thread that only affected the Chinese versions of the game. this time around it appears the changes will be implemented across all versions. this includes the EN server

since the VA has also done work in azurlane it is unknown if she is going to be removed from that game as well

this image is a list I believe are the characters that might be affected but I have not verified it


Update: According to this reddit post she got removed from the AL Chinese server


naturally, a lot of people on the western side are very mad about the idea one of their fav VAs might be removed from the game. and would like to voice their anger and criticisms of it. but sadly it seems the official arknights discord has gone full "SHUT IT DOWN" mode and is Ban hammering people who try to talk about the subject

unknown (2).png

how very ching chong bing bong of them

so yea yet another case of CCP bullshitery

be sure to post any more news or findings about this event in the comments

note there would be archive links in this post but it's fucken 2 am and I asked the members of the censorship chat on discord to help me by making them and no one did so thanks mates


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Generally try to stay out of drama, but this directly intersects not only one of my frequently played games but also one of my favorite voice actresses, what a mess.

This is a good example as any if anyone had any misconceptions that cancel culture is not just a Western thing. It is alive and well in China, and it's arguably what has even inspired the modern wave of it in more civilized parts of the world due to how trendy it is to love communists now. It's no surprised to me that so many of the faggots on Reddit and likely Discord are supportive of this decision. I read a post about one of them likening the situation to someone honoring a Nazi shrine instead. This goes to show you how binary some people view the world.

Do I think what Ai Kayano did was right? No, not really. As was mentioned in the original post, Japan did some fucked up things during the war. Many, many people did some of the most inhumane things you could possibly conceive. A good selection of them were Japanese.

That being said, it doesn't matter what I or some corpo in China thinks is "right" what a person does on their own time. This shrine visit isn't worth damaging her career nor erasing her history. Her contributions should stand separate from her political opinions; this is how it should go for everyone. But that's not how it works in this modern culture where wrongthink should be punished at a moment's notice without any chance for redress. Clowns, the lot of them. I would like to remind everyone that World War II ended nearly 76 years ago. It's time to let it go.

I think what concerns me the most is the fact that this is likely to affect the EN server as well, which means that it's very possible CN censorship is going to start spreading like the infection it is across all parts of its games. I was greatly worried about this with the recent prudefaggotry in Azur Lane, but people kept telling me "oh, no no! they would never possibly do that in global! they know better!"

Really? :bep-what:


what gets me is it was not really any kind of political statement

she just..... went to a shine that just so happened to be close to where she was working and had a nice day. I would not be shocked if she was not even thinking or knew about any political nonsense. it was just a shine like any other. so he acted in the manner one would when going to one

this reminds me a lot of the hololive shit with coco and the like. all they did was show youtube analytics that just so happened to show Taiwan as the country that it is. it was not meant to be any kind of political statement and to most people, it wouldn't be. it was just channel analytics

did the Japanese do some fucked up shit in WW2. yea they did. some of it is fucken disgusting. but at some point history needs to become history, and history is filled with people doing fucked up shit to one another. people need to let shit go. and someone going to a shine after work is not a political statement about Japanese war crimes

it would be the same if it was some german WW2 monument to all the dead they had. it's not an endorsement of the nazis to go to some monument to hang out for a bit. it doesn't deny or diminish all the shit they did.

but these people are like fragile glass, even the slightest gust of wind will push them over and make them shatter


what gets me is it was not really any kind of political statement

she just..... went to a shine that just so happened to be close to where she was working and had a nice day. I would not be shocked if she was not even thinking or knew about any political nonsense. it was just a shine like any other. so he acted in the manner one would when going to one
Context doesn't matter. None of that matters. You mention or associated with something blacklisted, you're getting blacklisted yourself. Plain and simple. Insectoids don't operate under logic under reason, they only have their party directives.

Much of the Chinese are already a loss cause, so it mostly bothers me to see so many Westerners follow suit in support of the decision, even though I'm not surprised. For a side of the spectrum that's supposedly contrary to the concept of binaries, they sure do often think only in terms of black and white.

I can only pray that this doesn't have negative effects for her as far as working in Japan goes, but considering how many corporations there love to deeply bow and spread their cheeks for those Chinese pesos, I wouldn't be surprised if she's shunned domestically as well.

I really, really hope her performance for those characters in Azur Lane also remain untouched, but who knows? Arknights and Azur Lane may both be owned by Yostar, but the latter has much closer ties with and connections to Japan, so there may be some wiggle room. Depends on how badly the bugs want to force this issue.


Can't say I'm surprised. It was bound to happen, and I would imagine the same is going to go for any other Chinese game in which Ai Kayano voiced a character.

Not sure if my friend is being reasonably optimistic or overdosing on copium, but he's convinced this isn't going to touch Global considering how much other removed content is still present there and the fact JP makes up so much of their revenue. I don't think he understands, even though he says he does, that the insectoids are getting worse and worse. It really seems like they're on some sort of crusade right now, and it would not surprise me in the slightest if they continue to make decisions that are contrary to financial profitability.

It's not a good time to be a fan of Chinese media right now. I feel bad for the artists and developers that have to suffer and see their work trampled by the communist clowns above them.


uff this situation has me very disgusted :hana-disgust: :hana-disgust::hana-disgust::hana-disgust::hana-disgust::hana-disgust::hana-disgust:
how fucking disgusting what all this gives
I'm sorry for the people who have nothing to do with this but we should once and for all stop consuming ANY product that comes from China especially in the entertainment industry, we have to stop strengthening the entertainment industry in a country like China or else the future of entertainment going to be pretty black
I do not play arknights or azur lane and with this I already know that I will never play it, in fact, I will never play ANY game from China [and watch any of thats fucking chines animes]. These companies and this shitty policy are fed by money from us and they every day do some new stupidity to make fun of the intelligence and endurance of their fans ... seriously, they disgusting
Kayanon has been one of my favorites for many years and it pains me to see how she has to go through this stupidity because of some mentally retarded people who are poisoning the planet with their stupid ideology that is not helping anyone else than the assholes of their fucking government
ufff seriously i'm very angry for days with this.
Just because she visited a temple ... its can be more idiotic?.
I'm sorry but I just can't understand what's wrong with the fact o she visiting the temple, I don't give a damn that I have a memorial tomb to who the hell it is, it's a FUCKING TEMPLE, and ALL those people are DEAD, no matter what they did in In the past, you can't do ANYTHING anymore, just learn from it and prevent it from happening again, but the fucking Chinese fucking are doing just the opposite, forcing their disgusting ideology in all media and all countries, putting their disgusting laws In other countries violating agreements and human rights and then they dare to talk about Japan, you have to have very big balls, what a disgusting thing the fucking Chinese party gives and these fucking idiots who started this whole stupid campaign against her and the fucking company alone I can wish him to backfire and go bankrupt and I'm sorry for the people who would be out of work but that's the only thing these companies deserve the hell
I will make sure I never play one of these games again and I think it would be best for everyone to do the same, although it is everyone's decision, I cannot and should not demand anything.
:a-disgust:aaah damn China, every day I hear something new from her, China is on my black list of countries that I will not go to even to make a stopover
i will pray for kayanon and hope this doesn't affect her too much 🙏🙏🙏

:satania-cry:[sorry for my language but wanted to release my anger a bit]


:satania-cry:[sorry for my language but wanted to release my anger a bit]
No need to apologize. I completely empathize with your frustration here, and I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people got more outraged over this shit. I personally believe that one of the reasons China has become so rampant in the international stage is because nobody with any sort of pull is really speaking out against them. This policy of casual appeasement where you might shake your fist at them here and there but let them continue to spread their diseases (both mental and physical) throughout the world is clearly not working out.

If the Japanese people had any sort of fucking balls anymore, they'd be speaking out against this behavior among many other infractions by the Chinese beyond just the fan level.
I'm sorry for the people who have nothing to do with this but we should once and for all stop consuming ANY product that comes from China especially in the entertainment industry, we have to stop strengthening the entertainment industry in a country like China or else the future of entertainment going to be pretty black
I will make sure I never play one of these games again and I think it would be best for everyone to do the same
I was anticipating this position to pop up at some point, but after working at a long reply, I found it difficult to really explain my views on the situation. I'll try to be succinct.

I have always considered the mass boycott call-to-arms be completely unfeasible to execute and ineffectual in practice. With regards to the former, you really need a sizable percentage of the population to actually participate in the exodus, otherwise you are merely making a dent that is likely to repair itself overtime. As for the latter, killing off a certain property is only going to make room for other properties to take its place. Arknights and especially Azur Lane are big titles, that's for sure, but China can just as easily start up something new or turn their sights towards another industry altogether. These are mere drops in the bucket of the massive, monolithic entity that is the Chinese economy.

Also, you may not be, but I am very much concerned with the individuals who would actually take the full force of such a boycott: the artists, the writers, the composers, the developers, all of the people actually doing the work who are just unfortunate enough to have to live or work in modern day China. I think with all the talk about insectoids, bugmen, and drones, it's too easy to forget that there are actual, real people who are not only caught in the crossfire but often hurt the most by any collateral damage.

Of course, you do you. I'm not saying anyone has to play the games or shouldn't avoid them because of their feelings towards China, but I don't think this whole "just avoid China altogether" is the solution. It's a bit like whole meme about how turning lights off in your house when you're not using them can help contribute to reducing fossil fuel usage in the world when that desk lamp you turned off is a grain of sand compared to the real problems.

translation gundam

look no one is going to deny that the Japanese army did some fucked shit back in the day, however, that was almost 80 years ago all the people involved in that shit are dead, or pretty close to it. however, it isn't about that it's about the CCP slapping their dick around and projecting their power on the evil foreign barbarians.
even though China as a nation itself is a paper tiger due to many factors and in fact if you read any Chinese history,
it is basically a history of them collapsing & rebuilding over & over again because of the mandate of heaven and other cultural shit.
the CCP is basically another imperial dynasty that going to lead to china collapsing again because they repeat the same mistakes.



No need to apologize. I completely empathize with your frustration here, and I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people got more outraged over this shit. I personally believe that one of the reasons China has become so rampant in the international stage is because nobody with any sort of pull is really speaking out against them. This policy of casual appeasement where you might shake your fist at them here and there but let them continue to spread their diseases (both mental and physical) throughout the world is clearly not working out.

If the Japanese people had any sort of fucking balls anymore, they'd be speaking out against this behavior among many other infractions by the Chinese beyond just the fan level.

I was anticipating this position to pop up at some point, but after working at a long reply, I found it difficult to really explain my views on the situation. I'll try to be succinct.

I have always considered the mass boycott call-to-arms be completely unfeasible to execute and ineffectual in practice. With regards to the former, you really need a sizable percentage of the population to actually participate in the exodus, otherwise you are merely making a dent that is likely to repair itself overtime. As for the latter, killing off a certain property is only going to make room for other properties to take its place. Arknights and especially Azur Lane are big titles, that's for sure, but China can just as easily start up something new or turn their sights towards another industry altogether. These are mere drops in the bucket of the massive, monolithic entity that is the Chinese economy.

Also, you may not be, but I am very much concerned with the individuals who would actually take the full force of such a boycott: the artists, the writers, the composers, the developers, all of the people actually doing the work who are just unfortunate enough to have to live or work in modern day China. I think with all the talk about insectoids, bugmen, and drones, it's too easy to forget that there are actual, real people who are not only caught in the crossfire but often hurt the most by any collateral damage.

Of course, you do you. I'm not saying anyone has to play the games or shouldn't avoid them because of their feelings towards China, but I don't think this whole "just avoid China altogether" is the solution. It's a bit like whole meme about how turning lights off in your house when you're not using them can help contribute to reducing fossil fuel usage in the world when that desk lamp you turned off is a grain of sand compared to the real problems.
yeah I can understand what you mean
Even so, I still believe that it is better to stop consuming these games completely, even the smallest spark can turn into a great fire and the dents can damage even the strongest of swords over time.
This situation is simply very unfortunate, but I can think of nothing else that we can do from our position, and the only ones that can weaken the Chinese party at least a little are their own companies that are becoming the main economic sustenance of the country .
If someone has a better solution that we can apply then I am open to proposals.

On the other hand, it is really unfortunate that some people can suffer because of this and with very bad consequences, but this is practically a ´´war`` that increasingly escalates, and in such wars innocent people always die, it is inevitable and sometimes even necessary, once again I would like to hear a better proposal.

I believe that leaving the total consumption of these products is the best option for now and for us
look no one is going to deny that the Japanese army did some fucked shit back in the day, however, that was almost 80 years ago all the people involved in that shit are dead, or pretty close to it. however, it isn't about that it's about the CCP slapping their dick around and projecting their power on the evil foreign barbarians.
even though China as a nation itself is a paper tiger due to many factors and in fact if you read any Chinese history,
it is basically a history of them collapsing & rebuilding over & over again because of the mandate of heaven and other cultural shit.
the CCP is basically another imperial dynasty that going to lead to china collapsing again because they repeat the same mistakes.

View attachment 5555
I hope you are right 😑


good job you guys made it in an article (a) :cirno-laugh:
View attachment 5597
Some of the comments on that website are at the same level as fucking Chinese
humanity is very disgusting:miku-anger::satania-cry:

so difficult is it for people to understand that DEAD people are already DEAD, and that justifying our actions because of something that happened almost 100 years ago is stupid?

Humans have to learn to be more rations than emotional so that these stupid things stop happening, as long as people with little intelligence continue to reproduce like rats we are going to have a pretty stupid future

I'm sorry but I am unable to understand people who live in the past and are unable to escape from it even when they have not lived it themselves and only get attached to cheap, stupid sentimentalities that only cause more problems than necessary.
emotions are necessary, yes, but excess emotions is harmful. We need to learn to be more rational and less emotional because it is not beneficial for anyone to harass and damage someone's career just because they visited a damn temple and no matter what they say, I am unable to empathize with these people and the only ones who are disgusting and who they do everything wrong is they

In some Spanish sites I have seen people giving vague excuses that she should have been more careful with what she did, damn it, she don't have to be careful what she do, she can do whatever she want, is a human, she can being like everyone else others is not a slave who has to do what the damn Chinese companies and the offended on duty want, what she did is correct, regardless of her position or what others say, if there is anyone who believes that she has even a minimum of guilt in this situation [for stupid things like her job or her position] then should seriously reevaluate your way of thinking and seeing things ... at the very least.
shit, how come people can't understand something so simple, they have to be assholes :hana-disgust:

I know that it seems that I am exaggerating a bit at this level, but I live in a shitty country similar to China and that may be why this situation affects me a little more, I know what it is to live in a shitty country and how deplorable it is that nobody does anything to change it and only think about their position and about money.


I think Kayano's biggest mistake is that she says goes to the Yasukuni Shrine at all. One of China's biggest wet dreams is to burn that shrine down and will always exist in their checklist and this goes beyond simple politics but it helps the CCP in demonizing Japan:

In ww2, most of the nationalist forces (aka the KMT) were facing the Japanese forces. The commies just basically do nothing or very little and wait for Japan to kill most of the KMT and after the Cold War, with so many of the KMT faction gone, the communists were able to take over China and form the modern CCP.

So the CCP always make sure to direct hate to Japan by saying the propaganda of "we are all struggling" to the Chinese people and downplays KMT's actions in WW2 and glorifies theirs to make it look as if it was the CCP that resisted Japan instead of them making use of the war to their political benefit. (And also one of the reasons why Mao killed many smart people and burned books to keep the secret.)

This is why if the CCP is able to cancel or demonize the Yasukuni Shrine, they will be able to claim greater control of the people. (Bear in mind that even the most weeb Chinese person in China would dislike the Yasukuni Shrine because Japan's actions in WW2 is taught to every single Chinese child from young)

The Japanese also do not want to discuss about WW2 on their side since they actually do whitewash and downplay their actions unlike Germany, so aside from the weebs, most other countries even the nice ones won't really show support for them. (ie: Japanese History textbooks will just teach you the German side of things and will not mention Unit 731 etc some Japanese people even thought that they were on the Allies' side because some Japanese Americans were fighting the Germans back in WW2. Japan always mention about the nukes though.)

tldr: CCP antagonizes Japan using WW2 to try to make people forget that the CCP got into power by not aiding the KMT back when Japan attacked the KMT controlled areas in WW2. It's the same logic as to why South Korea always brings up comfort women to force Japan to pay money to them. Japan will always try not to talk about WW2 and will ignore it as much as possible since most if not all countries have been calling them out on WW2's whitewashing since forever.)



It turns out that the disgusting China also removed konosuba from the bilibili platform, probably due to her role in this series [plays Darkness]
This is escalating stupidly fast, the worst thing is that already at this level it could already begin to affect Kayano's career seriously, if the anime producers decide to sniff the Chinese market's ass, it is very possible that they will avoid giving her roles to avoid being censored In China, this would be deadly for Kayano's career as she would find it difficult to find new roles and work
we need to do something, i don't want kayano's career to be destroyed by these stupid inhumans

this is the link to where konosuba is supposed to be in bilibili
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