• If you're here for vtubers, I highly recommend you go to The Virtual Asylum instead.
    They'll love you there

New Members / Introductions thread


Same basically but I got expelled from all the circles with zoomer snowflakes so here I am. Oh well, classic forums are somehow the deadest breed of all compared to even imageboards perhaps in this day and age, probably because they sit in between them, Discord, Reddit, social media and IRC... means that they got shafted the most. Aside from Usenet and other newsgroups which is mainly just porn, spam and piracy now.

Makes me want to be on it more if its more dead lol.
Your not the only forum veteran. I've been part of forums in one way or another since 2002 It's one of the best ways to debate or help each other out because it's slow paced so you can take your time with your post. Long live the forum format.


my name is Kevin, goes by bread in discord and neonsync on Twitter.

a bit about me:
i'm a padoru enthusiast.
i love learning on how people see something with different perspective.
i have lots of dreams yet none can be achieved.
I hope everyone can achieve freedom as much as possible without taking anyone's freedom.


I'm Master Menos, but you guys can just call me "Menos".
Outside of practicing Graphic Design for a great while, I happen to be either watching anime (Interests: Ecchi, Comedy, Horror, CGDCT) or playing RPGs, Racers or as side interests, Fighting, Puzzle and Platform Games. Will defend both Plot and Justice, because they need it. (Because I've been following the Censorship Dumpster Fires, and it's absolutely disgusting that they're happening.) Also looking into programming/coding on the side.


Hey all!

I've been lurking as one of those elusive "Guests" for the past few days and doing my reps to get a feel of the community before taking the plunge and joining. So far, I feel like this place will be a good fit for me. As others have mentioned, censorship is a problem, and an act of control I stand against. It's good to see both the forum owner and all of you feel the same way.

As for me, I share many of the same interests in terms of anime, manga, and video games. I am also active in computer science. In many ways, I am a patron of the arts, a true connoisseur of digital paintings both safe for work and not-so. In particular, I appreciate things that are cute and funny, and it's rare to find a place so welcoming to such.

Really looking forward to talking with everyone and contributing what I can! Apologies in advance if I get a bit too excited, but as a forum veteran myself, I truly do miss these sorts of communities. Quick and easy social media has almost ruined the Internet. Good to see we're all bucking the trend.


This place I've known it for 2 month and have been lurking here until yesterday when I decided to become a member. Used to be quite a regular in Kiwifarm but there's a general disdain with Japanese anime especially moe stuff, something I'm into so I've been searching for a forum like this.

I like Japanese entertainment in general and could understand Japanese to a certain degree. I also learnt Programming. I know the technical jargon but not good enough to write some elaborate codes on my own. I'm learning to draw as well so someday I'm thinking of making my own display thread. I hope I get along with you all.


Hey all!

I've been lurking as one of those elusive "Guests" for the past few days and doing my reps to get a feel of the community before taking the plunge and joining. So far, I feel like this place will be a good fit for me. As others have mentioned, censorship is a problem, and an act of control I stand against. It's good to see both the forum owner and all of you feel the same way.

As for me, I share many of the same interests in terms of anime, manga, and video games. I am also active in computer science. In many ways, I am a patron of the arts, a true connoisseur of digital paintings both safe for work and not-so. In particular, I appreciate things that are cute and funny, and it's rare to find a place so welcoming to such.

Really looking forward to talking with everyone and contributing what I can! Apologies in advance if I get a bit too excited, but as a forum veteran myself, I truly do miss these sorts of communities. Quick and easy social media has almost ruined the Internet. Good to see we're all bucking the trend.
This place I've known it for 2 month and have been lurking here until yesterday when I decided to become a member. Used to be quite a regular in Kiwifarm but there's a general disdain with Japanese anime especially moe stuff, something I'm into so I've been searching for a forum like this.

I like Japanese entertainment in general and could understand Japanese to a certain degree. I also learnt Programming. I know the technical jargon but not good enough to write some elaborate codes on my own. I'm learning to draw as well so someday I'm thinking of making my own display thread. I hope I get along with you all.

So far we only had social media users, I'm happy to see new people already used to forums :hyper-ro:


I’m just a internet nomad. I started on sites like Newgrounds, moved onto 4chan, then 8chan, then the webring, then Kiwifarms for a bit, now i’m here. I prefer to lurk most of the time, but I’ve been making some effort to try and be more active. I spend time playing vidya like Halo MCC or other rpgs, watching anime, and getting fit.


I've been lurking here for some time, and I see that this is quite the nice place!
I like to watch anime, play some games and enjoy some nice fun time.
I kinda hope to start interacting more with other users here and have a nice time.


Glad to see Varish getting populated! :nana-thumb: I joined really early when Shizu mentioned a new community on Twitter, so I've been around for a bit (lurked initially). I lurk when I'm busy, but otherwise, I'll chat in the pleroma instance.

First off, I love games and game development (both as entertainment and an art form), and I read a lot about both. As of this post I've been playing Monster Huntenr Rise, and I've been really enjoying it. I keep my eyes on the indie scene the most since the AAA scene is becoming increasingly corrupt/predatory/censorship-heavy (cough Sony cough), but there are some AA/AAA games & franchises I hold as favorites. Quick list for other gamers out there:
  • Indie: Hollow Knight, Skul: The Hero Slayer, Risk of Rain, Deeprock Galactic, Stardew Valley, Enter/Exit the Gungeon, Celeste, Terraria, Stardew Valley
  • AA: Kiseki series, Ys, Code Vein
  • AAA: Splatoon, Monster Hunter, Titanfall, Xenoblade, Sekiro, DOOM, NieR (Automata)
Apart from just consooming games, I'm also a programmer. It was my major in school, but it was an interest even before university. I had been messing around in the Unity game engine a lot especially last year. Frustrated with the trend of gaming becoming more corporate and censorship heavy, I started learning in order to strike out on my own. One day I hope to release a commercial product and make it my full-time job, so I'm learning lots of skills and studying a ton in my spare time. I won't claim to be the best programmer, but I know enough to be competent. I like to code with vi/vim/nvim, since it makes me feel like a hacker (it's also a very, very good text editor with a steep learning curve), and I try to find plugins for its functionality whenever possible.

Most notably, one of the skills I have been actively developing is digital art. I started with traditional in high school, but it wasn't really great until I got a hand-me-down Cintiq to really start practicing. It's been my passion ever since for a while, and you may see me post WIPs and final renders on the pleroma and forum (and Twitter, just as an extra outlet, despite the lack of followers there). Like a lot of other artists, I have my own OC that serves as my mascot named Yolanda (she's in my pfp). Definitely check out my Pixiv (in my signature) and follow me if you have an account! Huge booba ahead.

Some extra tidbits: I like exercise (keeps you strong and healthy), sunlight (it's the best medicine), spicy and salty food (not too spicy), cooking (learning some here and there with momma), and cleaning (extremely cathartic and improves your living).

I hope to see the community flourish and a new golden age of media dawn; we really need it in the world right now, since we are losing our (actual) good entertainment and freedoms. Escapism is important!


Hey, i've been lurking the past few days so here's my introduction

I like anime, manga, games, vocaloid and internet drama(more like a love&hate relationship sometimes)
Fav animes: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Black Rock Shooter(i've rewatched it like 8 times, its just fun), Jormungand, Youjo Senki, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya and Monogatari series

Fav mangas: Kagerou Daze, Murcielago

Fav games: Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Nier:Automata, Dark Souls series, OSU, Muse Dash, Elsword(love&hate relationship), Azur Lane and i also used to play kancolle
I like lolis :cultured:.



another "lurker" here, it looks like a nice place to hang out. I'm still around some other older forums (with some dead like hongfire, rip) , but this is getting rare as people migrate to social media™ or discord, which imo doesn't make subject based threads easy to follow and favorises short memory interactions over long followed debates.
I'm interested in the bullshit moralizing around fiction since it's entertaining to watch many people squirming with their own double standard and hypocrisy about what is ok to do to a fictional drawing.


I'm Boomslang, a degenerate who smells like shit. I hate this world. and i am waiting for it's eventual demise.

i draw and stuff, not good at it though.


  • Ina.png
    128.7 KB · Views: 177


I'm Boomslang, a degenerate who smells like shit. I hate this world. and i am waiting for it's eventual demise.

i draw and stuff, not good at it though.
thats a cute tako :ars-pat: maybe make your own art thread.

Yeah, i'm also writing a visual novel.
we also have a writing sub forum where you could talk about it.


I'm Styner.

I'm a "games developer" by that I mean I'm in the second last year of a game developing course, but haven't actually made a game that wasn't a project.

I'm your everyday run of the mil alcoholi—Irish weeb.

The casual sinoalice enjoyer and fate nut.

Gretel(Alternative) sinoalice is a constant mood.

This is getting too long and I don't know, when to stop. I guess now is good.

Oh how could I forget I'm Fred Jones from Scooby doo(A trap enthusiast.) bad joke that's my que to stop.


Im Narbray. Sorry for my bad English:

I'm new to the forum and got here thanks to Shizu's Twitter. I am totally against absurd censorship ...

emmmh I don't know what else to say XD

I have always believed that it is better to leave social networks and their absurd monopolies.

I hate all the anti-lolis policy that there is currently, it does not harm anyone, they are fictional characters who do not suffer or feel anything real, the people who criticize and censor this have no real basis and it is absurd only generates hatred towards people who have not done nothing and limits freedom of artistic expression ... in short, society.

I really really like anime.

Edit: also i really like cute anime girls.


Not exactly ‘new’ here since I’ve been here since February. But I suppose an introduction wouldn’t hurt.

I came here from Shizu’s discord, which I had joined thanks to his twitter (because twitter is absolute dogshit and a toxic cancerous cesspool. At least thats how its been ever since Tumblr refugees joined).

I enjoy anime and otaku culture. I plan to at some point learn Japanese and eventually move to Japan (and hopefully get citizenship). Of course I’m not moving because of weebshit. God no. I want to move to Japan because I’ve always been fascinated by its culture and its aesthetic. That and admittedly it seems like a nice place to live.....even if I’d probably be worked to death if I got a job there.

Like most here I see loli’s as nothing more than art. I’ve always seen them this way and that view will never change.

I play a fuckton of Gacha games, though for the most part I’m the most active in FGO NA, Touhou Lost World, and Pokémon Masters.

Also I enjoy Tokusatsu. Kamen Rider is cool as fuck and I’m hyped as hell for the Black reboot. He is my favorite Showa rider all things considered, with my favorite Heisei rider being Kabuto.

(Gif related is KAMEN RIDER BLACK. Also enjoy this fucking BADASS henshin music )


I found out about the forum from one of Shizu's tweets. It is good to be back into a forum after so many years. Also makes me feel old...

It will sound like a broken clock, but I also hate the (growing) censorship in the stuff I enjoy. Also the simple fact that people are being labeled -ist or -phobe because they like X or Y or Z is another thing that has been pissing me off a lot. For the longest time I could say I was against gatekeeping and just letting people enjoy stuff. Though I still stand in "let people enjoy stuff", if someone is clearly a bad actor (usually the normies), they should be gatekept the fuck out. Letting many dumb people into entertainment is what caused most of the issues we have nowadays.

Lolis are art and, therefore, are not real people with rights. Drawings of huge breasted milfs are fictional and, therefore, don't have a spine. If lolis are problematic then John Wick has literally killed thousands of people.

I work as a programmer and have a degree in Computer Science. Since companies have been bending the knee to dumb demands from "fans", I wanted to start improving my skills in order to one day try to make something myself. I am approaching two different areas: game programming (taking a bit of advantage of my job skills), drawing and learning Japanese. I really like drawing and lately have been focusing more on my drawings skills. I am taking Japanese lessons once a week and some self-studying on the side.

I have played a whole range of different types of games. VNs, sports, action, metroidvania, gacha, JRPGs, racing, etc. I really like the Soulsborne series and have done the Soul Level 1 in Dark Souls 1 (all bosses except Manus, fuck that fight!). I started but haven't completed Soul Level 1 in Dark Souls 3. Right now I am alternating between playing Hollow Knight and Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin and really enjoying both of them.

I don't remember what was the very first anime episode I watched, but I think maybe it was Saint Seiya. As a kid I watched a whole bunch, Dragon Ball (Z), Sakura Card Captors, Sailor Moon, Patlabor, Pokémon to mention a few. Unfortunately I haven't been watching as much anime as I wanted, but I think it is just bad time management on my part. Regarding manga and LNs, I have a collection of a few manga, and light novels. Oh, I also have a collection of adult doujinshi and manga. :cultured:
Additionally, I have a few figures too.

I hope my eventual excitement to be back at a forum and occasional wall of texts don't annoy people here.

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