Xenoblade 1
キズナトーク - フィオルンの身体 | Heart-to-Heart - Fiora's Body
Name changes:
カルナ (Karuna, Carna) was changed to Sharla
フィオルン (Fiorun, Fiorung) was changed to Fiora
Romanization taken from the credits
View attachment 20799
View attachment 20800
カルナ:私ね リナーダさんのもとで マシーナの身体構造について勉強してるの
カルナ:この戦いが終わったら 衛生兵を退役して 医師を目指そうかなって思っているんだ コロニー6には たくさんの人種が集まるわ そのために勉強をしているのよ
Carna: You know, I'm studying Machina body structure under Linada.
Fiorung: Why?
Carna: After this battle is over, I'm thinking of retiring as a medic and becoming a doctor. Many different races will be gathering in Colony 6, that's why I'm studying it.
Sharla: I didn't mention before, but Linada is teaching me Machina anatomy.
Fiora: Why do you need to know that?
Sharla: Because when this is all over... I'm going to quit the Defence Force and become a doctor. People are returning to Colony 6. They'll need a doctor.
Similar to one of my previous posts, they left out any mention of race again. The English also talks about people "returning" to Colony 6, and while that is true, the more important part here is the fact that new people are moving there, including Machina, who have had their home world destroyed. That is why she is learning about Machina anatomy.
Following a different dialogue choice, the conversation stays mostly identical in the Japanese, only slightly different in wording. In the English, they decided to add a random detail.
View attachment 20801
カルナ:私ね リナーダさんのもとで マシーナの身体構造について勉強してるの
カルナ:この戦いが終わったら 衛生兵を退役して 医師を目指そうと思ってるの コロニーは たくさんの人種が集まるでしょう? そのために勉強をしているのよ
Carna: You know, I'm studying Machina body structure under Linada.
Fiorung: Why?
Carna: After this battle is over, I want to retire as a medic and become a doctor. There are lots of different races gathering in the Colony, right? That's why I'm studying.
Sharla: Linada gave me a great book on Machina anatomical circuitry.
Fiora: Why would you need that?
Sharla: I'm studying to become a doctor. I’ll have to leave the Defence Force, but it’s what I want to do. More and more people are returning to Colony 6. They’ll need a doctor.
I'm aware that this is an incredibly minor detail, but I think I've proven with my last post how these random additions of details can come back to bite the localizer in the ass later. And of course, no mention of different races here either.
I've always wanted to play Xenoblade but it's too much of a localized mess. I need to keep practicing my Japanese.