If you're talking about Mark Kern's #FreeStellarBlade campaign, I say we should let him go through with it. Trying to stop him would just be counterproductive.Now this is going to be a very unpopular post, but I think that, if you have the means ie. already own a ps5, you should still get the game.
Yeah I know it feels like cowtowing to sony's nonsense. But the truth is that even with the missing stuff, it is still miles better than what we have been getting lately. 3 steps forward and one step back its still forward imo.
I know being uncompromising may seem like the best approach, but sometimes pragmatism needs to come before idealism.
Despite all our warnings, we can't change the fact that Stellar Blade fans already gave Sony their money when they bought a PS5, so we may as well let them leverage that fact by buying physical game copies and not updating them. I saw a lot of fans who - even if they didn't cancel their pre-orders - are at least cancelling their PS+ subscriptions in protest. It's not a bad idea.