Megathread Stupid Shit You Find On Twitter

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This thread is basically just stupid shit you find on Twitter, whether it be stupid takes, arguments, drama, replies, or just generally stupid stuff that doesn't deserve its thread or you don't have a lot to say about

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Apparently, if you don't want to date a trans girl, it must be because you're "terrified" to be attracted to them.

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How can you have suffered through 2020 and not want more suffering???

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They used clapping emojis, so it must be true.

Sorry if this OP is not very good, I don't really have a lot of this stuff saved, but it should be good enough to get this started.
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Regarding that Sutorippu tweet, it seriously astounds me how the usual suspects are reacting to it. Japanese people are literally the kindest, most respectful people on the damn planet, and these 17 and less-year olds from America really think they’re entitled to harass and attack them into hiding because they draw a character a shade lighter.

Thankfully they’re stupid as fuck and making a terrible case for themselves that makes them look like the absolutely toxic children they are. They’re literally just saying “we deserve to be able to harass the shit out of you and treat you like shit”. 🤣

Regarding that Sutorippu tweet, it seriously astounds me how the usual suspects are reacting to it. Japanese people are literally the kindest, most respectful people on the damn planet, and these 17 and less-year olds from America really think they’re entitled to harass and attack them into hiding because they draw a character a shade lighter.
Well the explanation is there in your comment Americans. They just can't leave others alone. And act like they are entitled.

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Well the explanation is there in your comment Americans. They just can't leave others alone. And act like they are entitled.
They are tought commie crap in school. What do you expect?

How did sonic fan art turn into this?
Like of all things and somehow LGBTQ got offended by this ???? and start they own drema with each other ????

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If this was an appabend stream you'd be seeing the Okuyasu clip.

How are you bringing loli pedo shit into an actual serious issue, you reactionary pedos are so annoying.
Because reddit is known for hating lolis. He's pointing out the constant hypocrisy with these anti-loli faggots. It isn't that hard to get the point lol.
Then again I shouldn't be expecting a communist to have any sort of critical thinking skills :sagiri-laugh:

Another EN Vtuber outed for being a disgusting bitch.

2021-03-26 13_46_24-Window.png
2021-03-26 13_47_05-Window.png

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Justifying mistranslations is just fucked up. It's just like wokealizers that ruin video games.

EDIT: Apparently the so-called "Japanese VTuber" was a troll. However, it still exposed an ENVTuber as an authoritarian jackass.
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