Discussion The push to replace/heavily imply Otokonoko charachters as trans/non binary is becoming a big problem.

Thread Description
Spoiler warning for some series , Starting a discussion on the push for traps and otokonoko to be considered trans/Non Binary.


The next target has been basically picked by that community.

They're tryna argue Leo is non-binary or trans.

he? she? is the next target by them and It'll be a situation like Bridget howevet I trust Harada he has said this after all

however popular accounts are muddling the discussion because they have been calling him her nonbinary.

Leo is a ambiguous character we still don't know shit about em All we know is harada Deconfirmed Leo as nonobinary everything else is agenda fueled or translation fuckery.


Patron of the Forums
The next target has been basically picked by that community.

They're tryna argue Leo is non-binary or trans.

he? she? is the next target by them and It'll be a situation like Bridget howevet I trust Harada he has said this after all View attachment 15674

however popular accounts are muddling the discussion because they have been calling him her nonbinary.

Leo is a ambiguous character we still don't know shit about em All we know is harada Deconfirmed Leo as nonobinary everything else is agenda fueled or translation fuckery.
Their plan of attack is just to carpet bomb various works in the hopes they can bully creators into compliance through societal pressure or prime their headcanon before the truth can come out
They know it will fail over 90% of the time so they cast a very wide net


Another example I can think of is Giselle Gewelle from Bleach, who is quite explictly a man pretending to be a woman so he can eventually enslave and fuck all the others.


Apparently, r/Bleach has taken to banning anyone "misgendering" this creepazoid by saying that he's anything but a transwoman. Isn't that curious the kinds of characters these people go to bat for?


Patron of the Forums
Someone went through that xenoblade code leak showing that yuzuriha is not the only character with a 2 value
Twitter trannies coping and seething
Prepare for this argument to heat up again over Vivian now that they announced a remaster of Paper Mario. Reminder that Vivian is 100% a guy in the original Japanese, but you will hear a lot of gaslighting that he is trans.
No only in the jp version a few eu ones (i think italian and spanish) keep him as a guy


Someone went through that xenoblade code leak showing that yuzuriha is not the only character with a 2 value
Twitter trannies coping and seething

No only in the jp version a few eu ones (i think italian and spanish) keep him as a guy
Yuzuriha is deliberately left ambiguous, but that's not the same thing as being non-binary. There is no such thing as non-binary, she has a gender but we just don't know exactly what it is (but is probably female)


Man, the older i get the more i understand why the older generations used to treat these crazies the way they did. When you are young you think it's because old people are mean and discriminatory. You get older and you realized many alphabet people are mentally ill (not all of them) and will push their ideas onto everyone, including children if let be. We are witnessing what happen when you don't put crazy people in Asylums and instead, release them into society.

What does this have to do with this thread you ask? Well for starters, they weren't nearly as brazen 10-20 years ago. People have crazy fanfic back then too but would keep it in their own head or small closed communities. Like how people know S&M is a fetish for the very few. Acceptance is supposed to be that society know those people exist, but they are "safe" doing shit in their own home, not bothering anyone. Nowadays it means everyone have to accept the crazy shit any of them can come up with. Abnormal is being pushed as the new normal while normal people (95%+) are considered abnormal.

I wouldn't give a damn if they keep it to themselves. But everywhere you go you have these freaks acting like their fanfic headcanon is undeniable truth from the author himself. Like how 2 guys are gays cause they're close friends/rivals. Or how tomboy/traps are trans and shit. It's so bad to the point i don't even want to interact with most online communities of media i consume anymore, even though that used to be the best part.

Lost Branch

Someone went through that xenoblade code leak showing that yuzuriha is not the only character with a 2 value
Twitter trannies coping and seething

No only in the jp version a few eu ones (i think italian and spanish) keep him as a guy
lol, I like that one person trying to state the NPC and Hero tables are completely different despite the fact they're both using the same code for characters and are pulled from the same dataset. What's even funnier is their screen name being Melia because I bet you they did not comprehend the characters story at all in the first Xenoblade.

It's far more likely that "2" was just meant for machine characters, but the entire system was dropped early in development. All of the proof the fags are providing is just the garbage Treehouse translation and that dumbass clout chasing English VA. It's really funny how important it is for a side character to have their same narcissistic delusions.

Then there's the "it doesn't matter" group trying to chime in... but they still commented on it and they just side with the fags every time.

"B-but the other languages also used they/them!!!" You mean the languages where "gender neutral" is just using he for anyone who you don't know the sex of? Man, it's almost like the answer is right there for anyone to understand.


Prepare for this argument to heat up again over Vivian now that they announced a remaster of Paper Mario. Reminder that Vivian is 100% a guy in the original Japanese, but you will hear a lot of gaslighting that he is trans.
It's already starting lmao. Just look at these fucking retards

"If they actually faithfully translate Vivian being trans this time, they'll cry about woke localizers inserting shit."
I mean I know they're redditors, but come on. How can someone be this delusional? They can't even be bothered to just take a look at the original text for themselves. Or well, the more likely scenario is that these retards believe that 男の娘 = tranny.

Yuzuriha is deliberately left ambiguous, but that's not the same thing as being non-binary. There is no such thing as non-binary, she has a gender but we just don't know exactly what it is (but is probably female)
reddit cancer.png

I hate "nonbinary" faggots almost more than I hate trannies (then again, there is a lot of overlap between them). They can't even define what it is when you ask them because it's not a thing. Just another made up fake identity used by attention whores.
The next target has been basically picked by that community.

They're tryna argue Leo is non-binary or trans.

he? she? is the next target by them and It'll be a situation like Bridget howevet I trust Harada he has said this after all View attachment 15674

however popular accounts are muddling the discussion because they have been calling him her nonbinary.

Leo is a ambiguous character we still don't know shit about em All we know is harada Deconfirmed Leo as nonobinary everything else is agenda fueled or translation fuckery.

Funnily enough, in one of Leo's win quotes he says: "Ich glücklicher!", which translates to "Lucky me!". "Glücklicher" is male, female it would be "glückliche". This together with his voice and name makes it pretty clear to me that he's male. In any case, he's definitely not "non-binary" as that doesn't exist.
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Funnily enough, in one of Leo's win quotes he says: "Ich glücklicher!" in German, which translates to "Lucky me!". "Glücklicher" is male, female it would be "glückliche". This together with his voice and name makes it pretty clear to me that he's male. In any case, he's definitely not "non-binary" as that doesn't exist.

Interesting. I took a look at that win quote on youtube and he does say "Ich glücklicher!" = male. The voice is also clearly male and he is voiced by a guy in german (Philipp Zieschang). But the EN voice is apparently from a woman (Veronica Taylor)? It's like Bamco WANTS people to fight over this lol

Edit: Apparently it was confirmed a long time ago by Harada that Leo is a girl = Eleonore.

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Edit: Apparently it was confirmed a long time ago by Harada that Leo is a girl = Eleonore.

I think he redacted that statement later on. Either way it's obvious what they are going for with Leo, we've seen these ambigious "could be either" characters many times in Japanese media. For me he's a boy because of the reasons I stated above, but obviously I can't rule out the possibility of Leo actually being a girl since we'll most likely never get a clear answer :shrug: Whatever he is, he's not "non-binary".


I don't know anything about modern Tekken but that looks like a girl to me.
I mean, that could be said about traps in general, no? Not that I'd call Leo a trap but you get the point, it's supposed to be ambigious.

Anyway, for me he looks more like a boy than a girl , and when I as a German hear him say "Ich glücklicher" it's hard to think of him as anything but a guy:shinobu_kaka:


Patron of the Forums
I wouldn't give a damn if they keep it to themselves.
What you are witnessing is the apotheosis of consent based morality
as it turns out private actions do have public consequences

Ideology is always being pushed, morality is always being enforced
it is in your best interest to make sure they are yours
you can be the hammer or the anvil
Then there's the "it doesn't matter" group trying to chime in... but they still commented on it and they just side with the fags every time.
"it doesnt matter" and "why do you care" is merely "please stop actively fighting back in the culture war"
The only reason they have been able to gain such a foothold is simply because there has been little to no organized pushback and if one stands up they might all stand up
you will see with issues like TL integrity that when met with any form of hardened resistance they are stopped dead in their tracks