Drama Whim Ch. Whines About VTubers Posting IRL Pics, EN Vtubers Post Their Ugly Faces to "Own" Him

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EN vtubers most affected.


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Typesetting Mastermind

Truer words have never been spoken.

On September 24, 2021, A vtuber that goes by Whim (@arbiterofwhim | Archive) decided to rant to Twitter about his opinion on vtubers that are incapable of keeping their real-life selves out of their vtubing ventures.
Tweet | Archive
Tweet | Archive
TwitLonger | Archive
TL;DR: vtubers that offer nothing but insta-tier irl selfies and quick grabs for validation for themselves should focus on keeping their irl self and their character separate, or gtfo.

Is it really a surprise what happened after he posted this TwitLonger? EN vtubers in droves dogpiled the tweet, posting their faces and bodies to "own" and "ratio" him, while others attacked him and his character. The commonality between most of these responses is that they don't refute his claims or provide anything of substance otherwise. Could that be because, though his rant was very whiny, there was a bit of truth behind what he said? :kanna-inspect:

The """owns""" in question:

Trust me, for the sake of everyone, please don't ever post yourselves on the internet ever again. :hana-disgust:

A couple people some might be familiar with also appeared, and as you'd expect they provided nothing to the table as well.

A week or so after his first TwitLonger, Whim posted another, apologizing for stooping to the tactics of namecalling and insulting that those who were attacking him used. He maintains his view on validation-chasing vtubers, however. Good on him for not buckling on that, I suppose.
Tweet | Archive
TwitLonger | Archive

Of course, though, apologizing for being mean-spirited is not enough for these types of people, you have to bend your views to their will as well.

If anything, I see all of this as huge a list of people to avoid at all costs as, once again, the EN indie vtuber scene proves that it's fueled by self-gratification, drama, and everything else in-between. :cirno-laugh:


these people just view "Vtubeing" as having a fancy moving avatar and don't put any work into trying to play a character or have any sense of kayfabe, our boi here was spitting facts about them all being in it for the clout and just chasing the trend

like the whole point is your Vtuber persona is not meant to be your real-life one. sure you can just be who you are IRL as your Vtuber avi but there is meant to be some degree of separation between the two.

these people don't get the appeal and will prob all end up as one of the hundreds of forgotten trash Vtubers who barely get any popularity

also kinda shocked you did not show the tweet where froot the thot of Vshojo also showed up and fanned the flames of people going after this dude wonder if she yeeted her tweet or if it's still there


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Typesetting Mastermind
like the whole point is your Vtuber persona is not meant to be your real-life one. sure you can just be who you are IRL as your Vtuber avi but there is meant to be some degree of separation between the two.
Yeah, which is why I think KSON gets a pass since she, unlike everyone who ragged on Whim here, actually uses both herself and her model in her content regularly. That and her model is directly inspired by her irl appearance in the first place.

kinda shocked you did not show the tweet where froot the thot of Vshojo also showed up and fanned the flames
I just looked, I believe that she has deleted that tweet. I didn't come across it at all the other day either. :mokou-lying:


I just looked, I believe that she has deleted that tweet. I didn't come across it at all the other day either. :mokou-lying:

dam and I did not think to save it. but she was basically just joining the dogpile


also, I think the difference with Kson is I don't think she even considers herself a proper Vtuber anymore. but she is a good example of how you can do a hybrid type thing right. she just doing her own thing

and it leads to shit like this clip

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Fat, ugly thots and uber faggots want to be acknowledged for all the work their avatar did for them by hiding their unattractive and cancerous selves from their viewers.

I am quite shocked, I need to sit down a little and take a breath.


> OP made statement why posting IRL selfie pics was bad and they shouldn't do it
> ENVtubers hate it and they post their selfies
> A rumor that 4chan can search their location using the metadata on the picture (idk if this true, but this sounds fake)
> ENVtubers scared to do it again

Guess using 4chan as a threat can stop them being insufferable cunts who use Vtubers as easy money


> A rumor that 4chan can search their location using the metadata on the picture (idk if this true, but this sounds fake)
holy shit yea that is a thing

depends on the phone and camera but if you don't have the right setting disabled your phone camera will bake your location metadata into your images to use in sorting and the like

and I can also 100% believe these dumb ass Vtweeters have no idea about these settings or if they are even set on or not

be sure to have a look in your phone cameras settings and look for something called "Location tags" or something to that effect before you go posting images form it online

there is also a lot of over metadata people don't know about like the make and model of your phone as well the settings used to take it, and a lot of this can be found by just opening up the properties of the image and looking at the details tab (in windows)


holy shit yea that is a thing

depends on the phone and camera but if you don't have the right setting disabled your phone camera will bake your location metadata into your images to use in sorting and the like

and I can also 100% believe these dumb ass Vtweeters have no idea about these settings or if they are even set on or not

be sure to have a look in your phone cameras settings and look for something called "Location tags" or something to that effect before you go posting images form it online

there is also a lot of over metadata people don't know about like the make and model of your phone as well the settings used to take it, and a lot of this can be found by just opening up the properties of the image and looking at the details tab (in windows)
i am 99% sure large sites like twitter strip the metadata.
Hell the pleroma and this forum even strip metadata from uploads, so theres no reason for twitter not to do it.


i am 99% sure large sites like twitter strip the metadata.
Hell the pleroma and this forum even strip metadata from uploads, so theres no reason for twitter not to do it.
never know. also how much you want to bet what's really happening is they are not switching off the thing on Twitter that says where you made the tweet from or something

makes sense for sites to strip the data tho. but yea this is Twitter we are talking about here


He really should apologize but to the rest of us for provoking those disgusting things to show themselves.


never know. also how much you want to bet what's really happening is they are not switching off the thing on Twitter that says where you made the tweet from or something

makes sense for sites to strip the data tho. but yea this is Twitter we are talking about here
twitter devs can't be as incompetent as Twitch devs, who literally pushed devkeys into repositories (if i remember right) :cirno-laugh:

He really should apologize but to the rest of us for provoking those disgusting things to show themselves. View attachment 8005
this is a fair point, I think we should demand an apology


>IRL w*men



Somebody tell this guy to cut his fucking nails


>Ratio lmafo
"Retweet this, simps"
>Try not gatekeeping the community
"I want in"
>Thanks 💚
"I despise you, but I choose snarky passive aggressiveness so I have the air of moral superiority. Also here's a pic of my cleavage.


>Lowered face to hide the adam's apple


"Why do men keep staring at me? Ugh, pigs."


Ugh this was unnecessary to do such a thing posting pics of yourself.
Shit still happens. Almost every other day. Someone says "vtubers are ugly" and then they all try to "own" the person and oh wow what do ya know? The "own" is just their ugly ass selfies. Vtubers are like "I have mommy milkers". No you are just a fat cow. :shinobu_kaka::shinobu_kaka::shinobu_kaka:
When will they learn to stop with this shit? Happens on twitter and Blsky now also.