Drama AzzyNemu | adz1024 | Adam | pos scams several thousand dollars out of twitter users by pretending to be a victim of rape and brain cancer

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Posted this on twitter already but my god the amount of incorrect info in this thread is funny asf, alot of it is outdated, for example my last name, that facebook account, all of my accounts listed outside of sankaku are unused and even then i have a new sankaku, my apparant potential locations are also very incorrect and over all alot of this info is poorly aqquired, then again i didnt expect much from someone who lives in a country where murder and r*pe are common practices for getting by in life.

i... dont think you know what doxxing is.
Remember me a person who you dm? Now im not gonna believe your bs again. Hope what you lying become true.


Person of Interest
So this is how some Muricunts now get money, scamming everyone.
i think whats worse is some of the gap tooth yokels in this thread think im british as if vpns do not exist. But yeah its a common strat, especially for people struggling to find work durin covid. It is what it is but at the end of the day this way to making money only works if people part with money without any proof of the reason they are giving you money.


Person of Interest
This dude really pisses me off. I have actual, legitimate abuse going on my life and this dude is just gonna make everyone doubt me, thus hurting me as well.

Azzy can go fuck himself for hindering my support,
hey i did actually get raped by my dad as a child and suffer severe trauma, so dw i didnt make that shit up, i defo used it as a way to weaken peoples sense of judgement tho.


hey i did actually get raped by my dad as a child and suffer severe trauma, so dw i didnt make that shit up, i defo used it as a way to weaken peoples sense of judgement tho.
I want to believe you but at the same time i'm still highly skeptical.

Remember me a person who you dm? Now im not gonna believe your bs again. Hope what you lying become true.
Hey dude as much i hate the dude (i literally told him to fuck himself just now in this thread) but wishing someone to get raped and get brain cancer is just too far.


Person of Interest
I want to believe you but at the same time i'm still highly skeptical.

Hey dude as much i hate the dude (i literally told him to fuck himself just now in this thread) but wishing someone to get raped and get brain cancer is just too far.
i totally get that, i did a bad thinng, i have low standards but im not a monster. I did unfortunatly get traumatized. no sane person would guilt trip thousands of people for money


i totally get that, i did a bad thinng, i have low standards but im not a monster. I did unfortunatly get traumatized. no sane person would guilt trip thousands of people for money
i need to buy food for stray cats, pls send me money! the link is in my signature!


i totally get that, i did a bad thinng, i have low standards but im not a monster. I did unfortunatly get traumatized. no sane person would guilt trip thousands of people for money
but surprise surprise, you did! Who would've thought?! Can you name me one thing you've done good in the past 4 years that isn't exposing yourself to be a pedophile by having a (totally very real) "legal loli" wife, implying that you would also want, or would prefer an actual child to marry.

I feel bad for your child, if they even exist.


Person of Interest
but surprise surprise, you did! Who would've thought?! Can you name me one thing you've done good in the past 4 years that isn't exposing yourself to be a pedophile by having a (totally very real) "legal loli" wife, implying that you would also want, or would prefer an actual child to marry.

I feel bad for your child, if they even exist.
well i guess i might aswell clear this up as i dont feel like being accused of being a pedo, by legal loli i meant she was petite and was an "uwu gamer girl" but is of legal age. I was abused as a kid but hey feel free not to believe me i really do not care what a friend of shitzu thinks abt me. On my final point if you want to know what i did that is good in the past 4 years, i stopped a man named tiago from abusing and manipulating someone to suicide, helped out a bunch of people with there mental health issues and overall encouraged my friend to keep applying for the jobs he wants instead of giving up. Anyways accusing someone of being a pedophile because they have a petite woman of age in there bed really is not a good look, as much as i hate shitzu even he thinks calling people pedophiles over lolicon or liking petite of age women is fucking retarded. Have fun believing whatever it is you want to believe also nice double post. Pretty sure thats against the forum rules lmao.

Also I love the ableism with calling me autist nemu its pretty original and really shows how you are superior, false pedophilia accusations despite following my countries laws and moral code... AND ableism... Real fatherless activities going on with you rn, I hope you recover from whatever it is you are suffering from, the obsession with me is so pathetic its actually kind of cute.
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well i guess i might aswell clear this up as i dont feel like being accused of being a pedo, by legal loli i meant she was petite and was an "uwu gamer girl" but is of legal age. I was abused as a kid but hey feel free not to believe me i really do not care what a friend of shitzu thinks abt me. On my final point if you want to know what i did that is good in the past 4 years, i stopped a man named tiago from abusing and manipulating someone to suicide, helped out a bunch of people with there mental health issues and overall encouraged my friend to keep applying for the jobs he wants instead of giving up. Anyways accusing someone of being a pedophile because they have a petite woman of age in there bed really is not a good look, as much as i hate shitzu even he thinks calling people pedophiles over lolicon or liking petite of age women is fucking retarded. Have fun believing whatever it is you want to believe also nice double post. Pretty sure thats against the forum rules lmao.

Also I love the ableism with calling me autist nemu its pretty original and really shows how you are superior, false pedophilia accusations despite following my countries laws and moral code... AND ableism... Real fatherless activities going on with you rn, I hope you recover from whatever it is you are suffering from, the obsession with me is so pathetic its actually kind of cute.
sorry for not reading that wall of text, but if u give me 2k USD you can create a customized character in my wrestling game! You can add all the sexy moves that you ever dream of!!


Real fatherless activities going on with you rn
It's quite the opposite, because both my dad and I were reading up on this thread when we first found out about it even existing. I find it quite sad that you're projecting onto me. I'm not your mirror or your canvas. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed writing out a wall of text. And I don't really care if I'm "ableist" or not, because frankly, that's retarded.

(Just thought I'd edit this in here, too: I think it's more sad that you like to check up on your own thread everytime. I think you're either an extreme masochist, or just imagine you have fans all around the world.)
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Person of Interest
It's quite the opposite, because both my dad and I were reading up on this thread when we first found out about it even existing. I find it quite sad that you're projecting onto me. I'm not your mirror or your canvas. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed writing out a wall of text. And I don't really care if I'm "ableist" or not, because frankly, that's retarded.

(Just thought I'd edit this in here, too: I think it's more sad that you like to check up on your own thread everytime. I think you're either an extreme masochist, or just imagine you have fans all around the world.)
Nah i just check up on the thread every now and then to see how many dumbfucks are still out here mad lawl, like it is what it is. I enjoy seeing people mad with no way to issue any sort of punishment against me because they are about as capable as a 3rd world nigger named shitzu. Anyways you have fun believing uh... whatever it is you believe, calling me a pedo doesnt really achieve anything tho just another baseless accusation and from what i can guess... a level of jealousy from me actually finding someone to love? It is funny but i think i am done with this, i just wanted to reply to you to say nah i am not a pedo and if you think liking loli makes you a pedo well... at least me and this shitty community on this forum can agree that liking loli is not pedophilic in the slightest.


Nah i just check up on the thread every now and then to see how many dumbfucks are still out here mad lawl, like it is what it is. I enjoy seeing people mad with no way to issue any sort of punishment against me because they are about as capable as a 3rd world nigger named shitzu. Anyways you have fun believing uh... whatever it is you believe, calling me a pedo doesnt really achieve anything tho just another baseless accusation and from what i can guess... a level of jealousy from me actually finding someone to love? It is funny but i think i am done with this, i just wanted to reply to you to say nah i am not a pedo and if you think liking loli makes you a pedo well... at least me and this shitty community on this forum can agree that liking loli is not pedophilic in the slightest.
I'm more concerned that you're super focused on the pedophilia remark when I mentioned it literally once. Got something to tell us, AutistNemu? And don't virtue signal if you're gonna say nigger right after. Retard.


Person of Interest
I'm more concerned that you're super focused on the pedophilia remark when I mentioned it literally once. Got something to tell us, AutistNemu? And don't virtue signal if you're gonna say nigger right after. Retard.
almost as if i take being called a pedophile seriously because that shit is fucked up, the fact you would even attempt to do that just shows how small minded and disabled you are homie. i ain't about to let some fuckin spastic come up in here and say "legal loli wife means pedophilia" god forbid im into short women lmfaooooo. love the name btw, autist nemu, really shows how people are only faking not being ableist until something happens to set them off lol.

Edit: also wym super focused? you called me a pedophile, calling anyone a pedophile would make them very concerned because even a false accusation can ruin people and divert attention from actual pedophiles abusing kids. Then again this does just go to show that you are very focused on trying to call me a pedophile so you can somehow fill your sick agenda that loli is pedophilic lol, have fun with that.


almost as if i take being called a pedophile seriously because that shit is fucked up, the fact you would even attempt to do that just shows how small minded and disabled you are homie. i ain't about to let some fuckin spastic come up in here and say "legal loli wife means pedophilia" god forbid im into short women lmfaooooo. love the name btw, autist nemu, really shows how people are only faking not being ableist until something happens to set them off lol.

Edit: also wym super focused? you called me a pedophile, calling anyone a pedophile would make them very concerned because even a false accusation can ruin people and divert attention from actual pedophiles abusing kids. Then again this does just go to show that you are very focused on trying to call me a pedophile so you can somehow fill your sick agenda that loli is pedophilic lol, have fun with that.
Very sorry that happened to you, or happy. I'm not reading all that.


Person of Interest
Very sorry that happened to you, or happy. I'm not reading all that.
lol saw ya twitter post, you said i was up at 6am? you really don't know how timezones work do ya. oh well. Anyways you refusing to read what i said just proves my point, you are very sad and lonely and thats comin from me of all people. you start an argument and then when logic is presented you back away because that small lump of flesh in your head that you call a brain doesn't want to work
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