Discussion More lolicons and antis than before?


Do you think that the number of people into loli or just ok with it has increased?.
We can see that thw numbwr of antis and idiots has increased but I think there are alsomore people that are ok with loli an the like recrntly. What fo you think? Am I just seeing what I want to see?


Patron of the Forums

I just think it's more of a public topic now for people that are in certain areas of Twitter etc. so as it gets more attention there's naturally going to be more people on either side.

I think it's good to remember though that not everybody that defends loli is actually into it. I don't find 99% of loli stuff attractive but I'll still defend someone's right to draw what they want or to enjoy whatever 2d they enjoy.


Yeah that makes more sense and yeah I ment boyh people into loli and those that dont mind it but are not into it


I'm gonna have to agree with Kallian. You're probably just getting more exposure to them through twitter and this site. If it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of moral crusading i'm fairly sure most people wouldn't even realise people are into lolis, and it'd remain a niche topic for certain corners of the internet to talk about.


Patron of the Forums
I'm gonna have to agree with Kallian. You're probably just getting more exposure to them through twitter and this site. If it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of moral crusading i'm fairly sure most people wouldn't even realise people are into lolis, and it'd remain a niche topic for certain corners of the internet to talk about.
I mean, loli is still very obscure to a lot of normies. You see it where? On Anime forums and Twitter? Pixiv? No one uses Pixiv if they're not into anime first and then fan arts second.


Yeah it certainly is an effect of the internet making everything seem bigger than what it is; besides anime communities like here, 4chan's /a/ and other chans, most normies, and even most surface fans, either dont know much about loli beyond "hurr durr 9000 year old vampire" or dont like it, and then theres the antis who are REALLY vocal about it, but it's just a matter of squeaky wheel gets the grease, but that's also why we need to be more defensive and gatekeep harder.


A lot of lolicons just don't care enough to partake in the drama. There's this stereotype of the non-confrontational japanese, I don't think it's super accurate on social medias but does fit with artists ime. Very few artists (lolicon or not) seem to voice their opinion on twitter. I'm not sure whether it's due to their lack of exposure to western dramas, if they don't want to use their artist platform for their opinions or if they are effectively non-confrontational. Similarly, normal lolicons and loli enjoyers don't necessarily voice their opinion either, I never partake in twitter drama for example.
I believe there are a lot more lolicons than antis inside, what could be broadly called, the anime and manga community. Lolis are very old and have been part of anime culture since almost the very beginning and has been the source of one of its big booms. And not just as a niche as most newfags and secondaries like to claim. It's also fair to assume that the number of lolicons increases as anime becomes more popular.
In parallel, the numbers of antis will increase as anime gets more and more exposure to this sort of people. I mean, antis very often coincide with well known cancers from other hobbies and communities. I don't think one should underestimate the role of twitter in this, it gives exposure and voices to people from the "outside", who aren't even interested in the media at all.
I also believe that another problem is the conflation of a lot of concepts and "problems". Like loli has a variety of definitions, the anti loli discussion is very often an anti (lewd) fan service one, etc.


A lot of lolicons just don't care enough to partake in the drama. There's this stereotype of the non-confrontational japanese, I don't think it's super accurate on social medias but does fit with artists ime. Very few artists (lolicon or not) seem to voice their opinion on twitter. I'm not sure whether it's due to their lack of exposure to western dramas, if they don't want to use their artist platform for their opinions or if they are effectively non-confrontational. Similarly, normal lolicons and loli enjoyers don't necessarily voice their opinion either, I never partake in twitter drama for example.
I believe there are a lot more lolicons than antis inside, what could be broadly called, the anime and manga community. Lolis are very old and have been part of anime culture since almost the very beginning and has been the source of one of its big booms. And not just as a niche as most newfags and secondaries like to claim. It's also fair to assume that the number of lolicons increases as anime becomes more popular.
In parallel, the numbers of antis will increase as anime gets more and more exposure to this sort of people. I mean, antis very often coincide with well known cancers from other hobbies and communities. I don't think one should underestimate the role of twitter in this, it gives exposure and voices to people from the "outside", who aren't even interested in the media at all.
I also believe that another problem is the conflation of a lot of concepts and "problems". Like loli has a variety of definitions, the anti loli discussion is very often an anti (lewd) fan service one, etc.
Yeah I seeen that too expect for "woke" western artists or artists that had enough of the antis most artists just keep to themselves

Yeah it certainly is an effect of the internet making everything seem bigger than what it is; besides anime communities like here, 4chan's /a/ and other chans, most normies, and even most surface fans, either dont know much about loli beyond "hurr durr 9000 year old vampire" or dont like it, and then theres the antis who are REALLY vocal about it, but it's just a matter of squeaky wheel gets the grease, but that's also why we need to be more defensive and gatekeep harder.
Yeah that makes sense


I would say its twitter being an ass and shiwing u more. But more people got into anime then ever before so we have a Normies doing what they do best. Suck at anime.


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Typesetting Mastermind
The more polarized the topic becomes, the more vocal people become on both sides, more or less. I won't lie tho that before I became part of these sites I thought interest in loli was much less common than it actually is.

I suppose that's what happens when you're constantly surrounded by ppl who despise it for years on end.


I personally don't think that the number have changed much. But I am aware that a lot of lolicon Twitter accounts have been banned or many are private. And like others have said, it is highly possible that Twitter algo has skewed the real number of lolicons or made it so you are much more exposed to them.

Also most lolicons are nowhere near as public about their fetishes as what you see on Twitter which is a huge bubble of cocksuckers anyways. Basically I'm saying that lolicons usually don;t waste their time on social media anyways. And most probably don't talk about it. Twitter has a high concentration of retards that's all.


As someone mentioned before on this thread, since Twitter it's a very popular social media nowadays, that means it's going to be infested with normies, "professionals" (such as VAs for example) seeking for moral clout and underage noisy minors with no life. Because of that it feels like the number of antis has been increasing over the years.

However if you go to other sites such as Pixiv, which is a platform mainly for anime art, the amount of normies and antis is going to be greatly reduced.
You can still get a couple of those messaging or commenting on your posts to "Stop", but it's just kind of rare to see that.
All I have got on Pixiv right now are those chinese spammers with those fishy links lol

Last but not least, we truly don't know if the number of lolicons have been increasing over the years because the majority of them (artists included) don't really want to get involved into a drama.


Fully agree with hzp there and I am one of those non confrontational ones. I dont really care about twitter trash enough to argue with these retards and lets be honest its just shit flinging and no real logic will get through their heads, I just report and hope these trash get banned, tried to convince a few artists to block people who harass them but didnt go well they dont even reply (prolly has to do more with me using machine translation but eh yeah).


Nobody used to care about loli, so a lot of people didn't really distinguish themselves between Lolicon and non. They just liked anime. Now that it's a big deal because of antis making a moral stink of it people draw and define boundaries to place themselves in so they have strength in numbers.


Yeah it certainly is an effect of the internet making everything seem bigger than what it is; besides anime communities like here, 4chan's /a/ and other chans, most normies, and even most surface fans, either dont know much about loli beyond "hurr durr 9000 year old vampire" or dont like it, and then theres the antis who are REALLY vocal about it, but it's just a matter of squeaky wheel gets the grease, but that's also why we need to be more defensive and gatekeep harder.
Yeah, we gotta gatekeep these fuckers out and forever.
Also, the overused and unfunny "fBi oPeN uP" joke spammed everywhere:hibiki-pain:


I feel like its more under attack then ever before. Especially after the UN tried to ban it. Hentai loli have been censored from both Google and Duckduckgo. And purged from a lot of porn sites even before the Porn hub stuff. Even some hentai sites won't allow it. If you compare today with 10 years ago it's definitely harder to come across.


I feel like its more under attack then ever before. Especially after the UN tried to ban it. Hentai loli have been censored from both Google and Duckduckgo. And purged from a lot of porn sites even before the Porn hub stuff. Even some hentai sites won't allow it. If you compare today with 10 years ago it's definitely harder to come across.
sadly thats definelty true but with every push there is always a counter push


sadly thats definelty true but with every push there is always a counter push
Well I think it would have been better if it still was a bit unknown. And it's not just loli but Anime in general all this pc crap Is annoying.


I feel like its more under attack then ever before. Especially after the UN tried to ban it. Hentai loli have been censored from both Google and Duckduckgo. And purged from a lot of porn sites even before the Porn hub stuff. Even some hentai sites won't allow it. If you compare today with 10 years ago it's definitely harder to come across
I still remember when Mombot( I still miss her:seething:) tweeted about that higher-up UN offical who was in charge of that case with Japan and charged with cp or some shady shit.