Megathread Stupid Shit You Find On Twitter

Lot of normies really just become woke just cause its popular with the i support the current thing shit.
It's kind of the "i dont like fanservice but i watch it because i like it" sort of thing. This has been around since i can remember on youtube and various communities. They will whine about it but watch it. I think they are insecure to just say they like it and want to fit in badly, but when they get older they just do not care.

It's kind of the "i dont like fanservice but i watch it because i like it" sort of thing. This has been around since i can remember on youtube and various communities. They will whine about it but watch it. I think they are insecure to just say they like it and want to fit in badly, but when they get older they just do not care.
Yeah, see this so much in fucking shonentards and shojotards i swear these people who are like that, would have been bullied out of the fandom back in teh 90s and 2000s weeb era.


Damn this brings me back to how fucked up me and my ex friend was a shojotard who always blamed everyone else for her failings and always had lot of contraianism on how she was all for shojo fans being inclusive and wholesome yet will go after you if you dare not have an interest in it

But yeah that aside theres lot of people who brag bout leaving toxic relationships yet irony is these mfers happen to be the toxic af ones all this time lol.


This is what happens when you don't send them to mental asylums. They don't even hide it. Is it any wonder the gaming industry is in the state it's in?
These are people who should have not been in the industry in the first place, but got in due to their connections with people who were in it. I blame them as a whole and i am glad Kotaku and sites like it will be removing these types and just focusing on guides for money than ragebait articles.

These are people who should have not been in the industry in the first place, but got in due to their connections with people who were in it. I blame them as a whole and i am glad Kotaku and sites like it will be removing these types and just focusing on guides for money than ragebait articles.
just wait theyll be putitng some wokeshit even in their guides

I can see it now... :senko_smug:

"In order to beat this boss, first yell at him about the patriarchy and realize your own male privilege. Then throw a bomb!" :ohohoh:
Drake's alter ego anita max win must have wrote that guide lol.

Only a soft zesty boi like him would write shit like that.


"Purposefully acting as a writer" Your job is not to be a writer but to translate the text. Also the fact he lied very heavily about politics is very telling lol. It's always those who shout the loudest about things that end up being the thing they are against always.
Its always failed creatives that end up in lolcowlization positions.