Discussion Unpopular Anime Opinions


-unnatural fanservice like the MC accidentally grabbing someone's boobs is just annoying
This isn't unpopular in the anime community at large but I suspect that it might be unpopular here.
The type of fanservice I like is when a girl bathes or changes her clothes and the based 'cameraman' focuses on certain parts of her body. That feels more natural.
well more than annoying just how unnatural it is makes it seem stupid, in general I like ecchi but I criticize many of these titles for the unnaturalness of the situations and how stupid they are (this does not mean that I prefer realistic is not the same thing).
-SAO wasn't bad
At its worst (Alfheim Online) it was 5/10, imo the other arcs were 7/10 on average. Pretty good.
that depends, SAO has arcs that I think are pretty good up to a certain point, but it has other arcs that are simply horrible, the first arc is probably the most popular and for me it is the worst because of all the noticeable mistakes it has.
I think Progressive is doing a good job with this, although a little late.
-One Piece has terrible worldbuilding
I've enjoyed reading the first 270ish chapters because of the fun characters, Oda's charming art style and humor not because the world made any damn sense. Sorry but a few factions with unexplored motives doesn't make a world complex, I mean after over 250 chapters the reader knows virtually nothing about the inner workings of a faction called 'The World Government'. That's bad... very very bad! Why is the government of the whole planet an enigma? lol
in fact, the series does explain how the world government works and how it was formed, and it leaves many things as mysteries to be unraveled later on, even though it does not explain how it was formed.


well more than annoying just how unnatural it is makes it seem stupid, in general I like ecchi but I criticize many of these titles for the unnaturalness of the situations and how stupid they are (this does not mean that I prefer realistic is not the same thing).
Personally I dont mind when fanservice gets a little silly. I find the whole awkwardness of it kind of funny. I can see why people wouldnt like it tho.

Id probably be more critical of it if there werent so many idiots crying everytime a boob is shown in an anime.


Id probably be more critical of it if there werent so many idiots crying everytime a boob is shown in an anime.
This. I hate when people get all angry with a female character having "bigger" proportions and having a sexy clothing. Like, come on.



Because I relate to this personally...​

It's really becoming an epidemic. I don't know when literal puritans invaded the anime community but they should fuck off.
Xenoblade 3 (while not an anime but is very obviously an anime JRPG) is a great example of this. Everyone was cheering how the character designs are "objectively" so much better, and yet there were plenty of somber and melancholy moments in the other games while tits and ass were out. Sharla's butt and cleavage windows, anyone? Even in the Definitive Edition they kept that. Hell, that could happen in X... yet it wasn't any less serious if you put Elma in a bikini while she was heroically monologuing about humanity's survival as a species. You could argue that in XC3 it's supposed to be serious and the sexual elements toned down because of how the Agnians and Kevesi are essentially dehumanized by the Moebius, but that didn't excuse 1 and X... or even any of the Gears/Saga games. Whatever, 3 feels like a 2.5 anyway.

Personally I dont mind when fanservice gets a little silly. I find the whole awkwardness of it kind of funny. I can see why people wouldnt like it tho.

Id probably be more critical of it if there werent so many idiots crying everytime a boob is shown in an anime.
I think it boils down to this: People who have the mental capacity to appreciate glorification of the human form (since this hobby is mainly consumed by males, it is then the female that is mostly featured) simultaneously or juxtaposed with the story's thematic presentation -whether serious or comedic- are simply built different. For example, Gurren Lagann (one of my favorite anime of all) still kept Yoko sexy in the second arc. She shows less skin as a teacher post-timeskip (the outfit is still really sexy, and makes sense since she's going to be in front of kids professionally), but otherwise rocks that hotrod bikini through all the serious, epic, and even sad moments (rest in peace, our boy and the noble sacrifices). No, it didn't make the show "less impactful because it was distracting," that's your problem. These complaints aren't even "fans" course correcting the creator, either... it's just moral outcry for self validation. I mean, Dragon's Crown Sorceress, anyone? :korone-smug:

"We" are from a time when putting the female on display was no issue and it let people express... well, their love for the female and female form. The problem was never the schism that forms from sexual depictions while a serious plot is unfolding... the problem is the person viewing the material. Yes, even if a girl is brutally murdered in a psychological horror anime and a shot of her panties and vagina mounds show up on the screen as the limp body tumbles across the floor... that is still perfectly justified. YOU (as in a hypothetical "you") are the problem for trying to control the creator's intent. It just boils down to an insecurity. Don't like it? Go find something else. Or better yet, why not make your own material that doesn't feature those elements and show us how it's done? Compete instead of complaining. Who am I kidding, they won't because it's not about that, it's about control and FOMO, but that's a whole different can of worms.

Related to the actual thread topic​

I don't know if I mentioned it before but I get bored by huge power-scaling stories like Nanatsu no Taizai and Fairy Tail. Deku from MHA I'm okay with... his growth is pretty meaningful. As a result I'm starting to gravitate more towards particular slice-of-life (Way of the House Husband), culturally significant works (Akane-Banashi), or well contained stories (Somali and the Forest Spirit). Which by the way, Akane-Banashi was recommended to me by a close friend and I highly recommend it.


It's really becoming an epidemic. I don't know when literal puritans invaded the anime community but they should fuck off.
For real, I remember some people complaining about valentine's desing in Skull girls like dude, the game is NSFW, what did you all want?

I think it boils down to this: People who have the mental capacity to appreciate glorification of the human form (since this hobby is mainly consumed by males, it is then the female that is mostly featured) simultaneously or juxtaposed with the story's thematic presentation -whether serious or comedic- are simply built different. For example, Gurren Lagann (one of my favorite anime of all) still kept Yoko sexy in the second arc. She shows less skin as a teacher post-timeskip (the outfit is still really sexy, and makes sense since she's going to be in front of kids professionally), but otherwise rocks that hotrod bikini through all the serious, epic, and even sad moments (rest in peace, our boy and the noble sacrifices). No, it didn't make the show "less impactful because it was distracting," that's your problem. These complaints aren't even "fans" course correcting the creator, either... it's just moral outcry for self validation.
I think many people forget that you can still take a character seriously besides them being sexualized. I still pretty much like the plot and the way that one cat girl, Valentine, Cerebella and Parasol from skull girls act just like I really like Peacock and Marie despite none of these two being sexualized like the 4 mentioned before. You can still have a complex and nice character being sexualized.