Megathread Lolidrama

Sargon and his conservative beta orbiters continue to embroil themselves in the loli controversy and fail to understand why.

From the Lotus Eaters:

Raging Golden Eagle has clearly had enough of their shit:
Archive here:
RGE fucken spittin'

has 100% on the money and it's why in the clip above Sargon of Applebees dont want to debate the topic on the stream as he has no other argument other than "mha morals"

and sadly for soygon, people dont give a fuck about his morals. people give a fuck about logical arguments as to why something is bad or harmful and since he dont have any outside personal disgust and "mha moral framework" I dont really care what his dumb fuck opinion is. as that's all it is. dumb fuck opinion.

it's one thing to go "I dont like this I think it's gross and I wish people did not make it but ill defend its right to exist on principle" and "wew gross get it away mha morals im offended it corrupting people reeeee"

So this Lotus Eaters thing is Sargon? I thought he was rendered irrelevant years ago.

he created it some time ago and from what I hear it's been successful for him. dont really watch the content a whole lot tho. but he and the Lotus has def pivoted more to the right-leaning side of things. and it's why you see shit like. as I said in my last post never trust a rightoid

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
As long as Sargon doesn't think it should be illegal then I really don't care, but at the same time it's very funny for him to go in this direction given his past. What I said was going to happen in 2015 finally came to past though.

Also, he counter signaled against anime, this never ends well.

As long as Sargon doesn't think it should be illegal then I really don't care, but at the same time it's very funny for him to go in this direction given his past. What I said was going to happen in 2015 finally came to past though.

Also, he counter signaled against anime, this never ends well.

on the one hand, I agree. on the other hand, we have seen how this plays out. like I said hell say it should not be illegal right up till people of his mind gain enough power to make it happen. moral fags gona fag

but for now, people should just lol at the moral fag for being a moral fag. it's just dumb fuck opinions end of the day

As long as Sargon doesn't think it should be illegal then I really don't care, but at the same time it's very funny for him to go in this direction given his past. What I said was going to happen in 2015 finally came to past though.

Also, he counter signaled against anime, this never ends well.
He claims to not want it to be illegal, but we all know it's a slippery slope when it comes to conservatives and free speech. They could press a button tomorrow to make loli legal or illegal, and they would make it illegal 100% of the time.

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
He claims to not want it to be illegal, but we all know it's a slippery slope when it comes to conservatives and free speech. They could press a button tomorrow to make loli legal or illegal, and they would make it illegal 100% of the time.
Fair, but the fact of the matter is that by choosing to argue on the point of simply finding it immoral, it's going to become a talkimg point with other right wing figures. And nobody here is ready with either debate experience or political capital if push comes to shove.

If this hits something like Walsh or Carlson you're fucked. Because they will lump it in with the Balienciaga shit. No this isn't "optics cucking." But choose your damn battles.

Scornful Gaze
Patron of the Forums
Fair, but the fact of the matter is that by choosing to argue on the point of simply finding it immoral, it's going to become a talkimg point with other right wing figures. And nobody here is ready with either debate experience or political capital if push comes to shove.

If this hits something like Walsh or Carlson you're fucked. Because they will lump it in with the Balienciaga shit. No this isn't "optics cucking." But choose your damn battles.
And I want to stress this, think of how out of hand ALL of this has become since just 2019 alone. What battles have you won with going 'lol u mad?' And spamming lolicon pornography?

And I want to stress this, think of how out of hand ALL of this has become since just 2019 alone. What battles have you won with going 'lol u mad?' And spamming lolicon pornography?

yep. it's why im just gonna point and lol at the moral fag being a moral fag as there is no point trying to argue with them. all they are gonna do is screen about their morals at you and not really have any coherent arguments as to "why" said thing is wrong. It just "this is wrong cuz i/my holy book said so fuck you"

so my main thing is that people just need to use this as a reminder the rightoids are in fact not our friends and will turncoat the moment it's beneficial and we should be ready for that and not expose our backs to them just cuz the left has more cultural power atm. the winds of change are always blowing one way or another and the only people we can trust are ourselves

we need to do what the Japanese did and become our own voting block. but cuz everyone thinks doing things is gay and no ones got any real drive, time or resources to really do it. we are just lone wolfs without a pack

Fair, but the fact of the matter is that by choosing to argue on the point of simply finding it immoral, it's going to become a talkimg point with other right wing figures. And nobody here is ready with either debate experience or political capital if push comes to shove.

If this hits something like Walsh or Carlson you're fucked. Because they will lump it in with the Balienciaga shit. No this isn't "optics cucking." But choose your damn battles.
I dont know Id say its important to call out when people are being intellectually dishonest. Also we are already fucked I really dont see the point in pretending to be nice with a group of people that never liked you to begin with.
And I want to stress this, think of how out of hand ALL of this has become since just 2019 alone. What battles have you won with going 'lol u mad?' And spamming lolicon pornography?
While I agree that being overly reactionary and spamming loli porn is not gonna achive anything.
I do hope you are not implying that the reason we got here is just because of the reactionaries and screeching maladjusted people on twitter Cause thats just not true


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There's more, but I'm not bothered enough to archive more.

She's a fucked up creep like everyone else.

And I want to stress this, think of how out of hand ALL of this has become since just 2019 alone. What battles have you won with going 'lol u mad?' And spamming lolicon pornography?
I agree that spamming loli hentai at those who hate it is fucking stupid but no one did that to carl or conner before they opened their mouths about anime, those two walked into this minefield thinking they could convert more people to their tradcuck bullshit.

I sided with the left in the 2000s because of the evangelical crap the right pushed, why the fuck would I change to pro-censorship when my tastes evolved from Pokemon to Lotte no Omocha? I'm not joining any side that just wants me to be a on a literal battlefield to KiA number, they need to stop acting like I don't understand doublespeak.

matt walsh already opened his retard mouth about anime being "degenerate", he can jump off a cliff, same to tucker carlson when he hops into this shitshow.

I agree that spamming loli hentai at those who hate it is fucking stupid but no one did that to carl or conner before they opened their mouths about anime, those two walked into this minefield thinking they could convert more people to their tradcuck bullshit.
I can vouch for this. I've seen no-one spamming loli art (porn or otherwise) at those guys, not even as a troll.

Here's this stupid bitch doing the same shit as the others, labeling loli as cp, getting caught with a bunch of loli hentai likes on her twitter profile then claiming she doesn't know anything about the content she interacts with to escape responsibility. Rev documented her bullshit, she even asked for it.

FireShot Capture 159 - KawaiiGrin.png
FireShot Capture 160 - KawaiiGrin.png
FireShot Capture 161 - KawaiiGrin.png

Here's another 'who?' youtuber for the "don't tell him how to access hentai sites with loli" list, clementj642/"the great clement"/jamie clement

He's canadian, already a bad start.

He did a review on the Gal Gun games. These are not the type of games he normally plays and he definitely doesn't like, his reason is inti creates who made some megaman games which he does love made gal gun.

He's a former lets player, look at his channel, the gal gun gun review has 20k views, everything else that isn't a Final Fantasy retrospective/Sonic-Megaman lets play hovers around 5-8k. He wants views even if through virtue signaling, bitching about the girls ages and consent because of how the cupid stuff works.

Not the first time this shit has come up before with him, in his Mister Mosquito lets play where you suck on some 16-17 yr old girl's tits for blood he acted the same way but not for 40 minutes.

Imagine being a fucking creep asking people for their IDs online like some cop.
Fuckin' doubt you have the authority there, and boy nothing screams more creepy than constantly insisting someone's a child and they're being sexualized, and then asking for their personal info.



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There's also previous lore regarding him.



Kiwi Thread ||


So he's also a known doxxer as well.




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He's a fuckin' pedophile!
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ethot has problem against anime
probably because it has better sex appeal than her lard-ass body


Cumrag is rather bold with her statements as if she were anything but a fleshtoy.







the funny thing is, she's trying to defend japanese people while also calling all japanese people colonizers, rapists, and pedophiles
truly astounding that a cumrag whose sole purpose is to be nothing but a fucktoy complains about the sexualization of asian people because ahegaos are racist while simultaneously calling asian cultures as pedophilia and sending people death threats for calling her out

i have also spared you from the narcissist placing her body everywhere on her profile to try to get you to pay money to see more of her
deepfakes would do a better job than her