Megathread Lolidrama

I can't be the only one whose noticed an uptick in the "Liking loli makes you a pedo" talking point that just so happens to coincide with the expontionally increasing popularity of "Kill pedophiles" discourse. Child molesters are evil, everyone knows this, everyone agrees with this. But when it comes to pedophilia and what that means it's a slippery slope because now we're talking about mass killings over thought crimes. And we all know how puritans think, it would never stop with loli. After that they go after the lolibabas, then the shortstacks, then the full grown anime women that just so happen to look a little too cute.

I guess, ultimately, I'm concerned about people like us being labeled sex offenders just because we watch anime. As crazy as that sounds, you can't tell me it's not the endgame when hitpieces like these is getting to be common place.

Even beloved conservative talking heads love to reveal themselves as anti-anime

My "conspiracy" theory is that disney is paying for this increased loli hate (they do own vice) so when they start gaining ownership of anime studios they won't have to deal with any loli ecchi. No fucking way disney was ok with licensing Black Rock Shooter Dawn Fall but they need to appear as neutral so otaku like me let our guard down which has worked to an extent unfortunately (not me, the others).

this probably a hot take here, but I dont know why so many otakus decided to align themselves so hard with the right. I mean conservatives do not like anything that is not your "traditional values" crap so of course they would not like anime

I never trusted the conservatives, my connection to them was always "the enemy of my enemy is my situational ally, I'm keeping tabs on their asses too", I have to be extremely cautious considering what we're into. The left kept acting like they hated sexy content while supporting WAP, hookup culture and trans pride insanity so I gave the cuckservatives a chance.

I was a bit hopeful at least in the voters never the politicians early on but then gab started shit against porn and loli then when trump lost 2020 the R-voters masks almost completely slipped off. conservative politicians never fully dropped their religious dogma or their anti-porn crusade, both of which have worsened in the past 3 years and ongoing.

Alongside that the constant butt-rape of western media icons by the woke brigade caused the various youtube drama channels (yellowflash2, nerdrotic, literature devil, arch warhammer, nick rekieta, clownfish tv etc) to start talking up anime/manga when I'd never heard them do so before. Hearing that you like DBZ, Naruto and Berserk won't make me trust you. And as I've mentioned before all of them would side with the censors when it concerns loli.

this probably a hot take here, but I dont know why so many otakus decided to align themselves so hard with the right. I mean conservatives do not like anything that is not your "traditional values" crap so of course they would not like anime
The super religious right wants to censor my hobbies because they think it's satanic.
The lunatics of the left want to censor my hobbies because they get their feelings hurt by fiction, hate attractiveness and want to force "diversity" everywhere.

One is clearly worse than the other, plus the constant exposure to the loony left in recent years has shifted people towards the right.

But in the end, even if I agree more with one side, if certain factions of that side still try to mess with the stuff I like they are just as much of an enemy.
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admittedly, im someone with slightly "leftist" views, but i dont care for politics at all. i think everyone in the world should just leave each other alone. it really isn't that hard to mind your own business in most situations- especially when real people aren't getting hurt.

seriously, what strangers do to themselves in their free time is none of my business at all, even if its something i dont agree with or believe in. but it is really sad that no one on twitter knows how to have a civil, nuanced discussion LOL

(this isnt a slight on anybody here, and im not trying to start an argument, but my sentiment goes every which way. if someone suddenly decides theyre a transgender now, it doesnt affect me at all. as long as they can be a normal person in every other way, i.e. not a weird extremist, then i think its fine to just let them be.)

this is my first post to this forum, so i hope it isnt too divisive already :uni-scare:

I can't be the only one whose noticed an uptick in the "Liking loli makes you a pedo" talking point that just so happens to coincide with the expontionally increasing popularity of "Kill pedophiles" discourse. Child molesters are evil, everyone knows this, everyone agrees with this. But when it comes to pedophilia and what that means it's a slippery slope because now we're talking about mass killings over thought crimes. And we all know how puritans think, it would never stop with loli. After that they go after the lolibabas, then the shortstacks, then the full grown anime women that just so happen to look a little too cute.

I guess, ultimately, I'm concerned about people like us being labeled sex offenders just because we watch anime. As crazy as that sounds, you can't tell me it's not the endgame when hitpieces like these is getting to be common place.
Pretty much why I'm rather adamant on defending loli and will take it personally.

Americans no longer care about the liberties of man, of thought, speech, and life.
They've been bred to take quick dopamine hits at any costs, even at the expense of others, even their family and friends.

Amazingly, a retard managed to write an academic article I scathingly reviewed here (and had to edit to be more respectful because it was just that much dogshit and I had to concede a point which was irrelevant so it didn't sound like a complete toilet accident) and the fact it got approved really shows no one cares about truth, solving tangible problems, and inclusiveness (despite the fact they constantly preach it).

Culture in this country has now shifted from what was traditionally known for freedom and liberty, to purity and submission.

We don't protest genocides in other countries, we protest against white people.
We don't detest censorship, we detest deviant ideas.
We don't fight against discrimination, we fight against foreign cultures.

All of that is done with the justification with every single fucking dictatorship, propagandist, eugenicist, racist, fuck all in history used to end human lives as if their lives meant nothing, as if their suffering was pleasure, as if their dreams never existed...

It ain't even limited to lolis either anymore.
Be it a scam or not, people got dehumanized for investing in NFTs and crypto.
Be it a scandal or not, people got dehumanized for not wearing masks and not staying at home, and not trusting the vaccine using previously unused technology involving RNA rather than traditional weakened/dead microbes.
Be it stubborn or not, people got dehumanized because they don't want their kids to make a decision they might not be able to undo.

Without empathy, morality, and humanity, they preach themselves as heroes and justice under the notion that they're on the right side of history as they trample over human lives.

The fact that this keeps getting worse, with companies and large celebrities and groups pushing but not outright stating for the slaughter of "pedophiles," "nazis," and so on, with people either agreeing with it or sitting idly as it neither involves them nor is worth their energy...

Honestly, I'm blackpilled.
I have no faith in humanity to fight for its lives and liberties, but rather for something intangible like "justice" and "safety" -- concepts originally meant to improve human quality of life -- in order to inflict suffering upon others to sate their innate sadistic urges.
I believe that they will successfully legalize, or if not, absolve the hunting, torture, and murder of deviants in general sometime in the future.

There needs to be a firm, powerful stance against this kind of thinking and beliefs justifying the harm on what they can casually label on anyone for any reason as deviants.
Unfortunately, the government is not interested/corrupt, companies can profit off of this discord, the elite utilize this discord for their own gain, and humanity has become too passive to even care about life and liberty over comfort and convenience.

Thus, I do not believe there is any practical retaliation to this which solves the problem in whole.

Exoskull Zero RX-78-2
Turkey Tom made a new video about anime degenerates.
Mostly goes over Mangakas/artist who were convicted of a sexual crime (examples like Nobuhiro Watsuki & Mitsubishi Shimabukuro)
while also strongly implying that most fans and creators in the anime industry are either pedos or closeted pedos.

Turkey Tom made a new video about anime degenerates.
Mostly goes over Mangakas/artist who were convicted of a sexual crime (examples like Nobuhiro Watsuki & Mitsubishi Shimabukuro)
while also strongly implying that most fans and creators in the anime industry are either pedos or closeted pedos.
Yeah, shit like this. Commentary YouTubers seem to have trouble comprehending that other countries and cultures don't have the same sexual hangups we do here in America. Also I absolutely love that disclaimer at the start so he can wash his hands clean of any blowback while also calling people pedos, well not the actual convicted criminals I mean.
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Pretty much why I'm rather adamant on defending loli and will take it personally.

Americans no longer care about the liberties of man, of thought, speech, and life.
They've been bred to take quick dopamine hits at any costs, even at the expense of others, even their family and friends.

It ain't even limited to lolis either anymore.

Honestly, I'm blackpilled.

I gave up on the majority of humanity long ago, before the woke explosion and other crap that exposed most people. Just protect your inner circle.

americans frequently demand that the 1st amendment be abolished forgetting that their speech will be stamped out as well (the core of all the anti-CDA 230 attacks from both political sides and their retard voters), none of these retards think long enough to understand "hate speech, misinformation" is subjective. Today saying "men can be women" is accepted by dumbasses, 3 years later it can be illegal to say under president desantis.

Then there's the jackasses celebrating loli bans when they hear of some ToS change/law but they don't fucking read the text that says "minor" or "child" which is any under 18 character a.k.a Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo, Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojo, Suletta and Miorine. Their favorite non-loli "couples" wouldn't be allowed to fuck or show any skin beyond what swimwear they're wearing if such laws were implemented. And of course they demonize lusting after girls 18+ because their chaturbate asses are jealous of the younger girls hopping on onlyfans so time raise the age of consent but only against older males, no taking away cougars pursuit of 16-18 yr old k-pop twinks.

The only solution is to get off the clearnet and apply fight club rules. There's no future for varis, sadpanda and similar sites remaining visible to these wannabe "heroes" and the feinstein/klobuchars who want easy political wins.

Yeah, shit like this. Commentary YouTubers seem to have trouble comprehending that other countries and cultures don't have the same sexual hangups we do here in America. Also I absolutely love that disclaimer at the start so he can wash his hands clean of any blowback while also calling people pedos, well not the actual convicted criminals I mean.
To be fair turkey tom is known to be anti anime and loli. So this one isnt really a new person talking against it.

I understand it looks concerning but I think people are being a little too pessimistic



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Not specifically related to the loli issue, but people thinking reality and fiction are alike.


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Unfortunately, this article didn't directly link to the study, so I had to find it myself.


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This talks mainly about how the lack of a PCS is possibly related to schizophrenia, which 27% of the population lacks a PCS, with 44% of schizophrenics lacking it.

The article summarizes it quite well, in regards to how people who lack it are often confident about what they think is real and true despite having clearly imagined it and with no correlation to reality.

I'd honestly like to dissect brains of antis to see if they have a dysfunctional or completely lack of a PCS and see just how many of them make up the total 27% of the population who lack it.

It would explain why they're always so confident after seeing and reading twitter threads about their hot take of cartoon "pedophilia" (source: none), and would fit into the hypothesis that people this obnoxious are a minority, which compose around 27% or less of the total population.

They may literally have inferior brains physiologically, not just cognitively, and are genuinely unable to conceive of the notion that fiction is separate from reality, because not only are they unable to truly discern truth from fiction, but also are gullible enough to be fooled by fiction and discern values from them that they believe is to be followed, rather than questioning what has been presented and what they already know, and are unable to conceive what it is like to question reality as we know it and discern reality from non-existence.

It's a hypothesis I had last year regarding this. I really wish I could test it out.

I know right. You think guys who are obsessed with traditional values and hyper masculinity are gonna be okay with you watching moe anime?
On that note I have noticed a disturbing trend of conservatives attacking non-traditional anime genres lately, Onimai being the big example but they also attack stuff like yuri and futa as well. May be a sign of a new pendulum shift.
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On that note I have noticed a disturbing trend of conservatives attacking non-traditional anime genres lately, Onimai being the big example but they also attack stuff like yuri and futa as well. May be a sign of a new pendulum shift.
Not sure about a pendulum shift. I think they just feel emboldened by the Lotus Eaters putting out an anti-loli hitpiece. Chances are they'll forget about it after a while.

Yeah, shit like this. Commentary YouTubers seem to have trouble comprehending that other countries and cultures don't have the same sexual hangups we do here in America. Also I absolutely love that disclaimer at the start so he can wash his hands clean of any blowback while also calling people pedos, well not the actual convicted criminals I mean.

On that note I have noticed a disturbing trend of conservatives attacking non-traditional anime genres lately, Onimai being the big example but they also attack stuff like yuri and futa as well. May be a sign of a new pendulum shift.
Traditionalists are just as insufferable as any SJW extremist. Everything which is new to them they hate on.

BASED person: why is this thing dad?

trad fag: bc it's not the "NaTuRal oRdER"

BASED person: Why is that a dad thing?

trad fag: bc the nAtuRaL orDeR is good

BASED person: If the "naTuRAl oRdeR" is good then why did we stop doing it?

trad fag: jEwiST, dEGeNeRaTE, peD0, (((cUlTurAl mArXiST))), gRoMMeR, n0RmIE, NiGgEr, tRo0n, kiKE,
I just which cancervatives used the word groomer in the right way. Not with everyone who explains what lgbt is to a 12 year old.

I just which cancervatives used the word groomer in the right way. Not with everyone who explains what lgbt is to a 12 year old.
Ehh I dont know I would prefer if people wouldnt talk to children on the internet,about anything, unless you know them in real life I guess

Ehh I dont know I would prefer if people wouldnt talk to children on the internet,about anything, unless you know them in real life I guess
Yeah, but if a kid is asking what is LGBT and you answer them that doesn't make you a groomer.

Yeah, but if a kid is asking what is LGBT and you answer them that doesn't make you a groomer.
Well no, but I think it is still irresponsable to talk to kids about such topics unless you are a professional or know them personally.

Anyways this is not the topic of this thread so thats all I am saying about it.

Well, I should archive this, huh


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Here's this nigger getting flamed in the QRTs




Here's him playing the "fictional age doesn't matter, but it does because the author said so"

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Here's him saying "why do you care about it if it's fiction? just because i care even though it's fiction doesn't mean you get to do it to me"

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Unapologetically racist against the Japanese.

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We should bring back lynching so they're reminded why discrimination is wrong.
Some people really won't get it until they experience it themselves.

Here's him having been caught drawing "not a loli" Rebecca

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"How dare you call me creepy for doing the same things you do that I'm calling you guys creepy for!!!"

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"You deserve to be treated like criminals for being creepy, doesn't matter if you never committed a crime"


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The funny thing about all of this is that this nigger literally walked into "I can't stand the Japanese" media to whine about it.
"They make it too personal!!!" Don't send death threats, calls for harassment, devalue their life, and so on then.


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"This video clip of the creators calling Rebecca a loli isn't real because it's a clip, therefore Rebecca is not a loli."


Imagine a grifter thinking they know anime terms.


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By the way, some old accounts I used to follow used to follow this dude's old Twitter account, which he was whining about how lolicons were complaining about Antis "just like SJWs."
Just so you know, he doesn't care about the harassment going on, and he'd rather everyone shut up and let people tell them to kill themselves, doxx them, stalk them, and so on, because you're annoying him on his Twitter feed that he can't bother to mute or block anyone or any keywords.

Call us "Lolicon Lives Matter" if you want for being equally as, if not more annoying, but at least we don't commit arson, loot stores, murder people, buy mansions from donated money for the sake of "helping fight racism," promote discrimination against white people for ancestry and grandfather sins (fun part is that if you paid attention to history class, it's the elites who permeated it and not your in-all-honesty insignificant-in-said-scheme grandpa and and grandma, and the many greats before them)...
Go ahead and say "you guys behave the same!!!" while SJWs has downplayed the severity of rape and turning it into a non-issue a Karen would simply shout as an insult, downplayed domestic abuse and said that only men can commit such a thing, and defended actual abusers because they were a girl (or identify as one, at least until they find out they're a tranny because they'll eat each other alive).

Of course, we ARE also going to ignore the fact he's promoting the stereotype that Japanese people are all degenerates and freaks, downplay/justify/excuse/encourage overt displays of dehumanization and harassment, propagating the notion of pedophilia as a menial issue, and the fact people like him are more likely to be a child raping freak than simply calling people out at complete random as pedophiles, all over drawings.

I'll be looking forward to the Kiwi thread about him in roughly 4 months, give or take, since I feel like that's the average when I hear follow-up news on these types of people having been caught raping children, beheading dogs, sexually harassing others, murder, and so on.

Also, never heard of "BlackSageD" until his "funny" post was made, so I decided to see who he is that Duppie the child rapist had an issue with.
It didn't take more than a single scroll for me to find this:

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Of course, as all Antis do, they have an issue with anyone who thinks fiction and reality should be separated.
I can only imagine why.
Oh wait, I don't; we've gone through this shit before -- he's a fucking closet pedophile trying to scapegoat fictional media to distract from his own crimes, and if haven't committed a crime yet, his own pedophilic tendencies by saying wanking to drawings is equally if not worse than it to feel good about himself being a literal threat to children.


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We already know why Duppie would be against the notion that minors shouldn't have access to adult content.


Dude's seething so much over anime and getting flamed by lolicons that he changed his banner.
This post was made before he officially starts his lolicon crusade after waking up from his sleep.


I wonder how this'll compare to his mugshot.

Just so you know, he likes bitching about anime.

And apparently doesn't mind calling people pedophiles over little evidence.

The context has been removed and I'm unable to dig deeper.
That being said, said person calling Duppie out is also an Anti.

Really amazing how these people like to eat each other alive for sport yet think they can conceive the notion of morality.

I never understood why people actively look for things to get mad at when they don't need to consume said media.
It's amazing how they lack the autonomy to simply look away, and must complain about and attack everything until it's catered (read: censored) to their preferences.
Even more ironically is when they're genuinely clinically retarded and think people who are against said censorship are the aggressors.
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