Megathread Lolidrama

Exoskull Zero RX-78-2
I'm going to derail a bit but I just saw this:

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Now, aside from this woman being an ugly hoe behind the copious amounts of makeup and photoshop, I looked her up and couldn't find a single picture that makes her look like a child. I, myself am pretty cushed up in the weeb world and don't care at all about what real egirls do, but apparently this trend of crying "pedophilia" when there is none isn't just limited to the Japanese entertainment world as of recent. Maybe I should make a thread about this phenomena unrelated to weeb shit, if there isn't one already.

If you look at the replies & Quote retweets you can see a bunch of women and activist types praising her death.
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I'm going to derail a bit but I just saw this:

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Now, aside from this woman being an ugly hoe behind the copious amounts of makeup and photoshop, I looked her up and couldn't find a single picture that makes her look like a child. I, myself am pretty cushed up in the weeb world and don't care at all about what real egirls do, but apparently this trend of crying "pedophilia" when there is none isn't just limited to the Japanese entertainment world as of recent. Maybe I should make a thread about this phenomena unrelated to weeb shit, if there isn't one already.
you probably should make one, ngl

How long until the Reset the Clock document is updated? Most of those "people" are actual predators who can't stop seeing children everywhere.

The zoomers spouting this stuff I think are just groomed into starting arguments over this shit from influencers who basically use them as pawns to win their cultural battles.

In terms of said "influencers" though, how much more SethTheProgrammers in the world there are I dunno. Vaush still gets people going "but muh context" when people point out his "interesting" concepts on age of consent and whatnot. The Anitubers pushing this shit like Connor do scream kind of insecure about this shit (the MILF shit for instance seems kind of like a coverup for something). Then you have general people who have popularized anti-loli sentiments like Mutahar. I actually don't think Mutahar's a predator/projecting personally he just loves bitching about this stuff. Nux Taku I think partially changed his stance on this stuff to appease him and his group.

The Anitubers pushing this shit like Connor do scream kind of insecure about this shit (the MILF shit for instance seems kind of like a coverup for something)
Well, speaking about stuff without proof, I remember hearing that there are unjustified and unsubstantiated rumours about Connor being involved in some shit that was covered up many years ago, but that's the extent of it.

Well, speaking about stuff without proof, I remember hearing that there are unjustified and unsubstantiated rumours about Connor being involved in some shit that was covered up many years ago, but that's the extent of it.
Worst I heard about Connor was him (embarrassingly) trying to get Hololive EN senpais to notice him after dismissing Vtubers as a whole.

Like Nretsew said the clout he was with both Ironmouse and Gigguk/Joey will basically mean he'll get away scot-free for his necro QRT trying to start shit. If he QRT'd that with intent to say lolicon is bad cause its muh Cheetos Puffs, why does he work with people who are relatively okay with it? (Yes I know one of the two that wasn't him was soying over 'muh adult waifu' cause of Yor Forger but for the most part I don't think that was out of 100% moralfagging but maybe I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) If he just did that cause the guy in the video "made himself look like an ass", the replies to his post aren't getting the picture. Granted if he did clarify he'd lose the main reason he made that post - as a clout grab to make him feel like a 'hero' for calling out 'weirdos' on bird app. He wouldn't want groomed teenagers to call him a 'pedo apologist' now would he?


More of the myfigurecollection situation. Exactly as I feared, they're banning lewd images of loli figures even if it's a official photo from the manufacturer so certain entries may not be visible/present on site at all such as the Inuburo Kogashuu figures which are naked/undressing lolis or the Prisma Illya figures which around half of them are Illya/Miyu/Kuro in tiny clothing. And of course those fucking faggot prudes are celebrating this as a win.

The delays clearly were the staff knowing damn well what they had to do and trying to drag it out for as long as possible to avoid backlash (they closed the comment section after a short time), they aren't government officials handling classified materials.

Joined the site to look at nude loli figs, now I can't get that anymore.

- PSA_ March Changes - MyFigureC.png

More of the myfigurecollection situation. Exactly as I feared, they're banning lewd images of loli figures even if it's a official photo from the manufacturer so certain entries may not be visible/present on site at all such as the Inuburo Kogashuu figures which are naked/undressing lolis or the Prisma Illya figures which around half of them are Illya/Miyu/Kuro in tiny clothing. And of course those fucking faggot prudes are celebrating this as a win.

The delays clearly were the staff knowing damn well what they had to do and trying to drag it out for as long as possible to avoid backlash (they closed the comment section after a short time), they aren't government officials handling classified materials.

Joined the site to look at nude loli figs, now I can't get that anymore.

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Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the site? It's not a figure database anymore if they disallow certain figures.

It's made worse since they want users to engage in image takedowns but do not want anyone backing anything up which would've been easier if the loli tag was still around, now you have to know exactly what you're looking for. The more I read on this I come to understand the staff wanted this shitshow. Let the site be overrun with bridget fags I don't care anymore I'm moving to myanimeshelf.


edit: and already there's a couple of bitches reporting shit, this faggot reporting a nekopara figure

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It's made worse since they want users to engage in image takedowns but do not want anyone backing anything up which would've been easier if the loli tag was still around, now you have to know exactly what you're looking for. The more I read on this I come to understand the staff wanted this shitshow. Let the site be overrun with bridget fags I don't care anymore I'm moving to myanimeshelf.

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edit: and already there's a couple of bitches reporting shit, this faggot reporting a nekopara figure

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Considering this users collection and some of the comments on their page. It seems to me they made this alert as a way to mock the new rules I mean I know we are living in post-irony times but Im pretty sure theyre not making that post seriously

Right now my mind is like a bull seeing red so I'm not going to notice things like that.
Its fine. I understand your frustration.

Honestly I am not happy about this whole situation either, regardless of their reasons behind their ban, its still a pretty shitty move.

For what is worth. There is a figures thread here, you can post your figures there if you wish:konata_happy:

He should probably cut ties with Joey/animeman then
Even though one of the host who is supposedly a half Japanese seems to have normie views
I'd have to admit I used to watch Joey before the Vtuber craze, before Kizuna Ai even. There was this dude I also watched that was close friends with him, I believe his name was Einshine. I enjoyed some of his content. Joey was the one who got me into Bosshi and other Hentai artists that I otherwise wouldn't have known the name of. I knew he is a fan of Shinobu for a long time, I don't think there's much to sway him out of his devotion to Shinobu. They are both halfies, one German and the other Aussie. I just find it a strange world how someone so close to my age and started his weeb craze at a much younger age with bobobobo is described as "normie", maybe people change and I don't know how he is like now. Out of the two I would say Einshine is more of the normie type, probably because he grew up in Japan and just took this anime stuff as just another hobby like videogames or baseball or something, well he took a job and fell off the face of the planet. I wouldn't doubt that he would be playing something like Ginshin Impact right now, it pretty late over there. I have no clue how's Kat (a amateur Mangaka at the time, sister to Einshine) is doing, she barely knows any English and probably forgot all the English by now. It has been six years since I last remember watching one of his videos.
it's all about trying their hardest to somehow change the Japanese culture into what they envision it to be, in other words subversive ungrateful dipshits that should just go back to their own countries.
I guess familiarity breeds contempt, but some of them are obviously not familiar with the language and culture even after living there for so long.

More of the myfigurecollection situation. Exactly as I feared, they're banning lewd images of loli figures even if it's a official photo from the manufacturer so certain entries may not be visible/present on site at all such as the Inuburo Kogashuu figures which are naked/undressing lolis or the Prisma Illya figures which around half of them are Illya/Miyu/Kuro in tiny clothing. And of course those fucking faggot prudes are celebrating this as a win.

The delays clearly were the staff knowing damn well what they had to do and trying to drag it out for as long as possible to avoid backlash (they closed the comment section after a short time), they aren't government officials handling classified materials.

Joined the site to look at nude loli figs, now I can't get that anymore.

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Like clockwork, here is the slippery slope. Dude, that site was my INTRODUCTION to lolis. I was not a lolicon until I started looking at loli figures and bought my first one because of that site. Just like you said, it was the Inuburo figure. Her gaze is deadly. It's like the medusa gaze, except hers will turn you into a lolicon. I looked into her eyes and I had an epiphany.

Nothing good lasts forever. Another site to add to the trash heap. They are not even going to fight it, just lie down like a sedated dog. Weak.

I was thinking maybe they would host the images elsewhere and then just load the images onto the site with links, but I suppose that violates the web hosts rules too. Scary text in the HTML document.

It's made worse since they want users to engage in image takedowns but do not want anyone backing anything up which would've been easier if the loli tag was still around, now you have to know exactly what you're looking for. The more I read on this I come to understand the staff wanted this shitshow. Let the site be overrun with bridget fags I don't care anymore I'm moving to myanimeshelf.

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edit: and already there's a couple of bitches reporting shit, this faggot reporting a nekopara figure

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"The character is underage in cat years." You CANNOT make this shit up. These two-faced pieces of shit, removing loli tag like it was the only thing they would do, just so we couldn't back shit up.
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Like clockwork, here is the slippery slope. Dude, that site was my INTRODUCTION to lolis. I was not a lolicon until I started looking at loli figures and bought my first one because of that site. Just like you said, it was the Inuburo figure. Her gaze is deadly. It's like the medusa gaze, except hers will turn you into a lolicon. I looked into her eyes and I had an epiphany.

Nothing good lasts forever. Another site to add to the trash heap. They are not even going to fight it, just lie down like a sedated dog. Weak.

I was thinking maybe they would host the images elsewhere and then just load the images onto the site with links, but I suppose that violates the web hosts rules too. Scary text in the HTML document.

"The character is underage in cat years." You CANNOT make this shit up. These two-faced pieces of shit, removing loli tag like it was the only thing they would do, just so we couldn't back shit up.
I may be being overly optimistic here but maybe there is a chance they can be convinced to revert this decision or offer a better alternative.

Regardless the last thing you should do now is lose your cool and go after obvious bait

Hello. Just registered to inquire about something. The Amazing Loli Facts twitter account was suspended, does anyone know who the author(s) were and if there is a backup off all the trivia and other content that was posted there?

So apparently there was some shit involving someone mocking the animation in Ro-Kyu-Bu which devolved into shitflinging? There was a viral tweet responding to it from a 'shitposter' account but it got deleted when people criticized it.

I notice that's a pattern. These people get a shit ton of likes/RTs, but a small handful of people disagreeing with them will cause them to delete their posts? Guess its perfect for playing the victim.

As for the Loli Facts accounts, unfortunately not in the know about that one.