Localisation Shitty Localizers general

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Flandre Scarlet

Katrina and her shitty localizations made the rounds as of late. She rewrote lolicon into "problematic age gap"
View attachment 15825
and here is the original line, where you even hear the word being used:
View attachment 15826
She even managed to include a "caught in 4k" meme in it. Fucking hell, I am sick and tired of this shit.
Now we have to worry about our favorite anime being ruined


Has NIS of Japan been informed of this? What's their response?

Normally an employee badmouthing his corporate's product would be an instant career suicide. Previously I saw a moron trying to virtue signal against their vtuber or something agency and it got her instantly fired. Why isn't this guy out of job yet? He's obviously not happy working with NIS product so he should be made to go find something else to do, it'll be a big favor for everyone involved.


Has NIS of Japan been informed of this? What's their response?

Normally an employee badmouthing his corporate's product would be an instant career suicide. Previously I saw a moron trying to virtue signal against their vtuber or something agency and it got her instantly fired. Why isn't this guy out of job yet? He's obviously not happy working with NIS product so he should be made to go find something else to do, it'll be a big favor for everyone involved.
I don't think they did no but now thats going to change.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 131111.jpg

here's even the link to contact them because i am not putting up with this kind of shit honestly from nis


Nicely done. Even if NIS of Japan couldn't directly fire this fraud it would still hopefully give them a clearer picture of what kind of hateful people who hates its own product they're dealing with in NISA.


Nicely done. Even if NIS of Japan couldn't directly fire this fraud it would still hopefully give them a clearer picture of what kind of hateful people who hates its own product they're dealing with in NISA.
Fuck it, everyone who posted on this thread should do their part as well too reporting this kind of shit to the original creators directly to Japan the more reported the better are chances are i think. In not seeing shti like this.


Has NIS of Japan been informed of this? What's their response?

Normally an employee badmouthing his corporate's product would be an instant career suicide. Previously I saw a moron trying to virtue signal against their vtuber or something agency and it got her instantly fired. Why isn't this guy out of job yet? He's obviously not happy working with NIS product so he should be made to go find something else to do, it'll be a big favor for everyone involved.
They must already know how shit NISA is by now.


I just realized that SAO Hollow Realization has a censored dialog, it was like this:

ENG: Kirito: Yes, you're going to need more strenght.
JP: Kirito: Yes, you're going to need a man's strenght.

Just realized of this by hearing "Otoko". It's a shame the game doesn't has log viewer to show it to you guys. Whatever, keep the good learning on japanese going, personally I use Busuu, very recommendable. Need to keep using Anki again...


That shit happens everywhere in every single EN translated game nowadays, guaranteed. One of the most ridiculous one i can remember was in Valkyrie Chronicles 4.

During the finals of the game of all things, the main girl was saying to the main guy in JP: "Trust me. I WILL save her!".
You know what she said in EN? "Trust me. I'm a SCIENTIST!" Basically turning the emotional climax into some kinda girl boss scientist thing.

It's been awhile but i remember something about SAO Hollow Realization too. A girl was saying in JP: "Some water please". Very nice and calm.
In EN? Something like: "Yo, where's my water at dude?" Basically make her some kinda brat/bitch. I remember because that was the last straw for me to drop that game.

The most annoying period of JP learning is when you're good enough to spot their BS but not good enough to play/read/watch everything in Japanese. It'll get so much better when you can leave EN behind, trust me.


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An employee from NekoNyanSoft is attacking critics for criticizing the choices of how the VN should be localized.
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ill just drop this here

yeah it probably wont do shit but you should be a wrench
shove your thumbs in their eyes whenever and however you can


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