Megathread Lolidrama

when i think about it, people throwing a fuss over "loli" deriving from that lolita complex book title is stupid

like, there's plenty of words in japanese, and honestly in other asian languages, and honestly in most languages if you trace the roots, which words are combined or referenced to portray a different concept

the symbol for a tree and a person make up the word "rest," but conceptually it doesn't necessarily have to involve a human or a tree nor does it mean a human resting on a tree specifically in all circumstances and contexts

of course, it's all just pointless outrage created by a bunch of animals herded by demons

i wanted to say that i wonder why people spend so much time concocting such pointless arguments, but it's not them that do it more than they are being guided

that's why they always repeat the same arguments over and over, until suddenly, one of the puppets says something new they came up with, and they keep repeating that ad nauseam even past the point everyone knows it's retarded until the next hit point they can cook up pops up as a speaking point, repeating the cycle anew

at some point they've ran out of technicalities and are now just resorting to feelings, their last and only real legs they stand with, and even then, doesn't really change how pathetic they are

seriously wonder how the fuck these assfucks even got in any positions of any power over anything that doesn't involve controlling how often they shit their diapers every day from pure self-inflicted hatred

i wanted to say that i wonder why people spend so much time concocting such pointless arguments, but it's not them that do it more than they are being guided

that's why they always repeat the same arguments over and over, until suddenly, one of the puppets says something new they came up with, and they keep repeating that ad nauseam even past the point everyone knows it's retarded until the next hit point they can cook up pops up as a speaking point, repeating the cycle anew
I will mention something funny I think is going on here. A lot of people who have no real hobbies, are terminally online all the time, and really are lazy individuals with no sense of friends or investment in the hobby, seem to be the types that lash out a lot against Lolicon and do so for attention or to act morally superior by making a strawman and low hanging fruit to attack Lolicons. They do not care about Pedophelia, they do not care about Child Trafficking, they do not really care about Drawings or Art and Expression. It's all about feeling and looking special and unique with not much effort. It's no different than the Non-Binary movement and those who have these Sexualities(Remember "Otherkin" back in the day) it's basically ways to make them feel like they are grandstanding and special. It's why some people nickname Nonbinary's "Genderspecials" as an attack because it is true. Without attention, they do not care about it. Same with Anti-Lollicon. If it becomes unpopular or people call them out for their low effort attacks to get views, attention and make fun of them for it. They will move on.

I also do think soon with the death of DEI and the huge pushback that has happened against Political Correctness. It will begin to let people know that it's normal to like things they think is bad, and there is no one going to judge them harshly, no majority thinks it's wrong. Eventually we may even see those that like Shota and hate on Loli go away, or people who are afraid to say they like Loli just like Loli normally and not have to counter-signal on everything. If people do not like them for liking Loli, Shota,Traps, or whatever they are not friends in the first place. Plus I do think the Moralism will die eventually.

at some point they've ran out of technicalities and are now just resorting to feelings, their last and only real legs they stand with, and even then, doesn't really change how pathetic they are
That is usually the last grasp of argumentation, is when they have to resort to "I feel this way" or "this feels wrong" or "I feel uncomfortable" when reality is that it does not take into consideration others feelings and others ways of expressing their own feelings through drawings and their own works. If Art can be anything why can it also not be allowed to be expressed? Also how is it fair for them to say they like Diversity of Art and Thought but have narrow and rigid views of it? Could it be they know nothing and are narrow minded as well? I mean it's very weird to say they feel something, but not accept that others have feelings to and can and should be able to express what they like so as long as it's not based on real events or people.
seriously wonder how the fuck these assfucks even got in any positions of any power over anything that doesn't involve controlling how often they shit their diapers every day from pure self-inflicted hatred
I will tell you something funny about that. I am working with a theory that most of these types in power are in a minority, are insular and closed off from the world, and have no real sense of the world outside their own smaller communities, they live in a bubble and do not interact outside of it or they pretend to hate it but indulge in it but think they are in a minority. So much so they kind of do not understand Lolicon and Shotacon is hugely popular. I mean they can hate VTubers, they can hate Gacha, Fanservice Games on Console/Mobile/PC, they can even dislike South Korea, China, Japan and even LatAm or their own people in America. By the end of the day people love it, they are the majority, it sells and it makes tons of money. Loli and Shota Characters are apart of that.

Source is below for Video Games. Sure AAA makes a ton but let's not kid ourselves in saying Mobile is not carried by Gacha Fanservice, and Japanese Games that have Fanservice and Good Gameplay and South Korean Content with Fanservice and some Gameplay do not sell, even the Chinese stuff sells and it has Loli fanservice as well.

Like always, there is friction between Console, Mobile, PC on the viewpoints of how things are run, but we can all agree these things help sell the game and make good amounts of money that otherwise would have never been possible. Put in Authentic Translations and it could even be higher amounts of money as a whole for a company. Even the VTubers are huge moneymakers. Besides anything else they would propose as an alternative does not work because people are biased towards beauty as a whole and they themselves indulge in things they say they are against. Why else retweet lollicon or like it then dislike it on public, or like and retweet Shota and then hate on Lollicon? Because it's them hiding the fact they are one. I do wish a lot of these Anti-Lollicon types who truly hate it would get a life, a real hobby than to dislike on Lollicon all day and those who pretend to hate it, but indulge in it would just accept that it's normal and there is nothing to be afraid of. We should have things made for us, BY US, not for people who do not care or are easily offended by everything.
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They do not care about Pedophelia, they do not care about Child Trafficking, they do not really care about Drawings or Art and Expression.

That is actually hitting the nail on the head about the subject, and no matter where these 'protesters' lean on politically.

Because the loli/shota drama won't die with DEI and political correctness being less prevalent, since the pendelum will just swing now to the right and creators/enjoyers will now deal with their own brand of extreme - such as moral panic and religious fanatics demanding censorship. And there still going to be a push for criminalising it - the actors will just be different ones.

At best, before the pendelum is going too much right - there may be a small period of time when the attacks will be less insistant as those 'special people' won't be sure they could get the most support (likes and views) for their moral crusade.

when reality is that it does not take into consideration others feelings and others ways of expressing their own feelings through drawings and their own works. If Art can be anything why can it also not be allowed to be expressed? Also how is it fair for them to say they like Diversity of Art and Thought but have narrow and rigid views of it? Could it be they know nothing and are narrow minded as well?
Its funny its that I drew one oldest of ocs named shizu in hs express my love for lolis, yet these people uncreative bastards face of the fact either everyone will gets express their ideas/dreams or no one will gets do that. At the end of day them being uncomfortable don't matter they always have the choice to ignore it and move on its not hard understand.

Loli hate will continue forever until the world starts treating biological adults (teenagers 13 and up) like the young adults they are again. You know, the way it has been since the beginning of humanity until what, 200 years ago?
Well, preteen loli art is never getting rid of the stigma, though. And it's fine, people should keep their "weirder" hobbies to themselves anyway.

Loli hate will continue forever until the world starts treating biological adults (teenagers 13 and up) like the young adults they are again. You know, the way it has been since the beginning of humanity until what, 200 years ago?
Well, preteen loli art is never getting rid of the stigma, though. And it's fine, people should keep their "weirder" hobbies to themselves anyway.
I remember in hs that if you attack someone it didn't matter if you uncomfortable you are in the wrong you have to face consequence nowadays these people think do no wrong because their lazy ass don't want to punish their ass when their in the wrong.

I mean it's very weird to say they feel something, but not accept that others have feelings to and can and should be able to express what they like so as long as it's not based on real events or people.
unfortunately i think for genuine true freedom of expression to exist, we actually should stop giving a shit about things in fiction being based on real events or people

the same things we can express through verbal means, we can express through art and writing, of which the only real reason only art and writing seem to get punished for things like threats on life is because it requires a physical medium to convey those concepts -- easily acquired proof of the crime is required to do the crime, and such a crime is either incredulously stupid or something that shouldn't be a crime to begin with but only is because it's useful in games of power and/or politics

at the same time, if we gave a shit, we'd enforce such expressions more tightly, and we do -- "we wouldn't want our kids to see/hear this" when it comes to any television show or whatever, soon videos, games, art; all mediums are censored for the sake of feeling safe... except for the fact that this is a pathetic attempt of trying to change the world instead of improving oneself by becoming strong enough for such things to be of no concern, seen with how prominent pathetic toddlers who screech like a banshee call for the destruction of everything and everyone who dares threaten "their" world are in this world that, in reality, is not theirs, nor is it "perfect" or could become perfect

it is not that we should permit hurtful acts, but always be strong enough so that it doesn't matter when it happens; if we can prevent tornadoes, we ought to, but we should be able to brave it through even if we can't rather than act like we lost everything or force everyone to live underground because you can't rebuild a house but stronger

tldr i just think the only real reason why people want to threaten art is because it's just the more vivid and creative way of expressing oneself that actually makes something of value in the world, because most people have no value and could die the next day suddenly and not be missed beyond a momentary feeling of grief by, if any actually exist, loving family and friends, and not actually because it's actually bad (because practically every time it isn't), but because they want to restrict others' capacities because they are incapable themselves

That's way too optimistic. The hate towards loli existed before DEI/ESG and is fueled by different bullshit morals. I wouldn't be surprised for us to suffer some major losses for creative freedom in the very near future.
oh yeah, i fucking hate "christians" and gay faggots

allegedly modern christians in most churches are run and occupied by faggots who are only interested in religion to feel grandiose and superior to other through "faith" alone rather than becoming better and genuinely superior through faith, which explains why they're such grandstanding pretentious moralists who hold no human emotions or capacity for empathy, and all their attempts and calls for censorship and the culling of others is their pathetic attempt at having control and power over others, when in reality, god won't save them from the wrath they incurred themselves in all those they've offended through their egotism in the form of a bullet through their skull or a machete through their neck

then again, maybe they're more appropriately called a different religion that descended from one wherein their own god has abandoned them, from what i've heard about successful infiltrators in theology's history, but nevertheless the same faggots who call for the burning of art and books they consider sinful, and even if besmirched, the term that designates them remains stigmatized in my mind

they're also the reason why i got into leftist woke spaces so much growing up, but of course, those people became grandstanding too rather than genuinely improve themselves, seeking to bend their perception of reality and refusal to acknowledge reality for what it is, people who've abandoned the pursuit of self-improvement and demand the world change for them, preaching superiority from not believing in the same things that led to this world being as unreasonably cruel and one-sided as it is, and using "science" to feel grandiose and superior to others rather than becoming better and genuinely superior through pursuit of knowledge and understanding of it and the world around them

for the same reasons, those faggots who attempt to censor, control, and destroy all that they consider "evil" or somehow generates evil through absurd leaps in reason won't be saved by their disgraceful understanding of physics and metaphysics, because if they could and would do something with their understanding, they should've and would've, and i can assure everyone that anyone who's spent a few months at the gym could kill a land whale with their bare hands

of course, both are led by wild emotions born from animals with no ability to control themselves or be self-disciplined, and instead desire to control everything else around them because they're incapable of managing themselves, and in practicality are indiscernible from one another other than what they call themselves and the specific reasoning and means they use to take control and have power

all bullshit morals that want to censor this shit is run by the same breed of pathetic niggers from the beginning of human history and the fact at any given point in history that could ever be considered a turning point where we allowed such disgusting people to exist has been considered societal progress is a shameful blight on humanity

It will begin to let people know that it's normal to like things they think is bad, and there is no one going to judge them harshly, no majority thinks it's wrong. Eventually we may even see those that like Shota and hate on Loli go away, or people who are afraid to say they like Loli just like Loli normally and not have to counter-signal on everything. If people do not like them for liking Loli, Shota,Traps, or whatever they are not friends in the first place. Plus I do think the Moralism will die eventually.
I do believe the same as you on the social level, but unfortunately, governments and the UN exist. just recently, the UN included fiction on their global Cybercrime Convention Treaty under CSAM definitions that countries have to specifically opt-out of if and when they adopt it.
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That's way too optimistic. The hate towards loli existed before DEI/ESG and is fueled by different bullshit morals. I wouldn't be surprised for us to suffer some major losses for creative freedom in the very near future.
It always has existed yes but DEI/ESG has done more damage to this than any Right Wing Puritan movement ever. Think of the fact this idealogy imported from America into other Countries and internally as well. As bad as Right Wingers were in those times you kept it underground and you could still enjoy it as long as it was not in front and center. With this DEI/ESG thing it was basically at the source and the middle man. It forced a narrow view of "Diversity", "Beauty" and very much a worldview of what can exist or not. Which ended up basically hurting Left Wingers in the election.
Because the loli/shota drama won't die with DEI and political correctness being less prevalent, since the pendelum will just swing now to the right and creators/enjoyers will now deal with their own brand of extreme - such as moral panic and religious fanatics demanding censorship. And there still going to be a push for criminalising it - the actors will just be different ones.
I agree it will never die, it will always shift left and right. Because it's always an overcorrection almost on purpose to shift the votes. But both say the same arguments. It's always Moralism at the core of it all. Always about the age and always about Pedophilia. But here is the thing. As long as it's a issue about making sure everything never goes to extremes and it can exist it makes it difficult to truly censor because it's generally accepted as normal. Which it is. All the people that seem to be against it are Younger Gen-X older Millenial and into Boomer Territory. But the thing is they do not seem to care about it really. It's not worth their time.

At best, before the pendelum is going too much right - there may be a small period of time when the attacks will be less insistant as those 'special people' won't be sure they could get the most support (likes and views) for their moral crusade.
I look forward to Furthest Right Wingers calling it Child Porn and saying they have a mandate when the reality is you can not censor Speech and you can not censor expression due to Non-Discrimination Laws about to be passed as a whole. You can make the same argument about Lollicon they make about deplatforming when it comes to the left. They can not get rid of something because they hate it or dislike it or find it offensive.
Loli hate will continue forever until the world starts treating biological adults (teenagers 13 and up) like the young adults they are again. You know, the way it has been since the beginning of humanity until what, 200 years ago?
Well, preteen loli art is never getting rid of the stigma, though. And it's fine, people should keep their "weirder" hobbies to themselves anyway.
That's what i am saying. The issue is these types try to go after us for simply existing, and get mad because they know their arguments hold no weight and wish to be mad for no reason. Lolicons do not bother them, but they bother us. As long as I can consume my Loli Content in peace and away from everyone else I am happy.
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They do not care about Pedophelia, they do not care about Child Trafficking, they do not really care about Drawings or Art and Expression.
This was blatantly obvious from day 1 when instead of reporting the "literal CP" to the police they instead mass reported it to the hosting providers. It was always more about grandstanding rather than affecting any real change. Most recently I observed this with "Think before you sleep" where the guy in one breath condemns credit card companies for essentially blackmailing Japanese businesses to bow down to their moral framework. And then in another, far far longer, breath he basically approves of their behavior because sometimes "them nipponese do make sum creepy stuff like darling and the franxx". So he condemns blackmail, but not really because sometimes its OK.

In fact I would go so far as to claim that most anti-loli grandstanders do so only because of their guilty conscience and little else. Oneangrygamer used to compile lists of all the personalities and journalists that spoke for "women and LGBT in videogames" only to then be caught red handed with stashes of real genuine CP. It was eerie how consistent it all was. One year HandsomChungus789 would write articles about how gamers are degenerates salivating over animu girls, the next time your hear about him was when Billy posted his mugshot because he got busted with 3TB of cheesy pizza.

tldr i just think the only real reason why people want to threaten art is because it's just the more vivid and creative way of expressing oneself that actually makes something of value in the world, because most people have no value and could die the next day suddenly and not be missed beyond a momentary feeling of grief by, if any actually exist, loving family and friends, and not actually because it's actually bad (because practically every time it isn't), but because they want to restrict others' capacities because they are incapable themselves
It's due to insecurity and the fact they lead lazy lives and are jealous or just wish to take other things down because people enjoy it. It's really narrow minded and shallow reasoning but I can believe it.
This was blatantly obvious from day 1 when instead of reporting the "literal CP" to the police they instead mass reported it to the hosting providers. It was always more about grandstanding rather than affecting any real change. Most recently I observed this with "Think before you sleep" where the guy in one breath condemns credit card companies for essentially blackmailing Japanese businesses to bow down to their moral framework. And then in another, far far longer, breath he basically approves of their behavior because sometimes "them nipponese do make sum creepy stuff like darling and the franxx". So he condemns blackmail, but not really because sometimes its OK.

In fact I would go so far as to claim that most anti-loli grandstanders do so only because of their guilty conscience and little else. Oneangrygamer used to compile lists of all the personalities and journalists that spoke for "women and LGBT in videogames" only to then be caught red handed with stashes of real genuine CP. It was eerie how consistent it all was. One year HandsomChungus789 would write articles about how gamers are degenerates salivating over animu girls, the next time your hear about him was when Billy posted his mugshot because he got busted with 3TB of cheesy pizza.
See these types of people are the ones that need to be called out, the fence sitters, the types that will always care more about "The Brand" than caring about Japan and the Content of Loli being made or being allowed to exist. But I do agree about the projection of a guilty conscience. It always is funny the most devout censorship type or even the ones who truly hate something have the most amount of skeletons in their closet. There is also rumors that on Twitter and Reddit etc that those who use their real names online are required to because they were caught with CP Content and must do so for a period of time. Which is why it makes it easier to search their real names that they use online and see that they were caught with CP content. OAG I remembered back in the day, Billy did unfortunately spiral because he kept attacking LGBT and Women way too much to where people where wondering if he was gay, but he did great work in exposing this odd cycle where you will always find out those who speak against Lolicon do this to act like good people and be a Chameleon to hide their misdeeds and go after real children.

There is shame internally going on for them. It's very odd how even a normal Loli photo or even something like Kanna from Dragon Maiden or Uzaki really disgusts them as well or how they make these very bizarre arguments and use real children or actual babies than anything fiction related. Again I think it's a projection of guilty conscience like you mentioned. Maybe someday we can figure a way to get rid of them or move them to a different community than to be in the Japanese community as a whole. It gets very bizarre how it has been going on Youtube, Social Media for 20 years and yet people who watch or play Japanese Content know better, but these types do not.

Finding more posts on the Kiwifarms with the Lolicon/Shotacon defenders thread. I always find it funny how poor their attacks are and how much it's based on insecurity. Like you can tell they really have huge prejudice and like to judge people a lot.



If you are a cop and you like cute short ladies, you are absolutely pozzed.


"Gacha shit is full of underage girls" LMAO. I also like how all of a sudden Lolicons are associated with Pedophilic Liberals despite the fact, Pedophile Liberals hate Lolicon and endorse Shotacon. Irony is Gacha is way more popular in Asia, Latam, and even in America at points than their worldview would like them to believe. People find Loli's cute as an aesthetic. They pay a lot for them and also without VTubers Youtube's ad-revenue would be 55% lower than usual, while Google Play and Apple Store literally would be 60 billion less in revenue. Never let them forget it makes money and it's just fictional aesthetic small girls.

Trying to mock a fellow Lolicon Supporter named BepDelta who helps fight the Lolicon War on Twitter.


Also starting above, I notice a common thread


A really weird thread. They seem to really dislike anyone that's brown or from the third world, or a lower class. They also seem to have this smug sense of superiority of a keyboard warrior that acts tough even though they act like stunted manchildren.

community note.png

Also they apparently were mad about the fact that logically speaking there is a difference between Lolicon and CSEM. Because CSEM is real children and someone was using REAL CHILDREN to try and make them into Lolicon Porn(much like the older Tracer style Loli Drawers tried to do back in the day) and someone drawing a smaller fictional girl like most Lolicon types like. It's also odd how they still do the whole "IF YOU JACKED OFF TO A SMALL GIRL WITH BIG BOOBS THAT WAS NOT BASED OFF A REAL CHARACTER, THAT MEANS YOU JERKED OFF TO A REAL CHILD! THEREFORE IT'S REAL AND YOU SHOULD GO TO JAIL!"


I am so glad, this is dying out with it being a diminishing amount of oldfags screaming on a thread constantly trying to cherry pick trans, or trying to do the whole Lolicon to Pedophile pipeline, when like I mentioned before, makes zero sense because those types hate Lolicons, they can not stand us, they funny enough can not even understand when everyone is joking and making fun of the fact of how we are seen by the world because of how stupid they are that they take everything as 100% literal, 100% real. :shinobu_kaka:

I do have one more, this is just comedy gold to me.

Is it really a child? I mean just like how in real life when we know woman that are 4'8-5'2 but are above 18 years old, and someone dates or marries them it does not make them a pedophile, even if we know females in real life that have that massive of Boobs or are that small and are extremely petite that likes to act childish at times. Does that really make them a legitimate child? Because their logic is really faulty and full of assumptions and moral judgements that do not make sense under intense scrutiny. I have a feeling these types do not get outside much or know many women or get offended by women that look like that. These types are lolcows but a dying breed. I am going to be glad when VTubers keep growing, Lolicon keeps growing, and as does Gacha. While everyone else has fun who is 45 and below, while they look like Boomers, talking about how Japanese and Asian Media is dead. Despite having no clue about culture, people, society, history and anything else beyond their little bubble and the same tired arguments lol.
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A really weird thread. They seem to really dislike anyone that's brown or from the third world, or a lower class. They also seem to have this smug sense of superiority of a keyboard warrior that acts tough even though they act like stunted manchildren.
I see this shit all the time on 4chan's virtual youtubers board. You do anything to irritate them you're a SEAniggersister and I'm seeing that mentality slowly spread to the other non-pol boards.

I see this shit all the time on 4chan's virtual youtubers board. You do anything to irritate them you're a SEAniggersister and I'm seeing that mentality slowly spread to the other non-pol boards.
Can confirm the same thing on /vg/. Though to be fair, the amount of times it turned out to really be some indo/pinoy shitting up a thread is more than a handful (they get themselves doxxed pretty often). There's even a fucking discord server that gets paid to raid some of the threads on a daily basis, though idk for sure if that one is SEA or not, but according to timezones during those raids it does look that way. So the hate is somewhat justified over there.