Fuck this company
Im pretty sure Caesar's Legion in Fallout New Vegas was a Chris Avelonne creation, it HAD to be.
Man I wonder how good would it feel to use a lawnmower to shave away all that stupid beard from that face.
Fuck this company
Im pretty sure Caesar's Legion in Fallout New Vegas was a Chris Avelonne creation, it HAD to be.
You are misunderstanding what I am saying. I was mentioning that this is what they do is Cede territory and complain then wonder why they have no industries to protect them the blacklist. But at times it is difficult when you are gatekeeped out of an industry and they have power like in Avellone's case there is nothing he can do to take it back. The best thing you can do is to create the alternative for him to be employed to get back at his former employer at worst or at best in Musk's situation is buy it all out and own it back fire everyone then put Avellone in a high ranking spot. Rewrite Guidelines and try to prevent it from happening again. Both ways are better than just doing nothing about it which is atypical of everyone thinking it's the 00's not realizing the landscape has changed drastically from 20 years ago. For exampleThat sounds a lot like ceding territory and ceding territory is never the answer. Just look at Bluesky, they can keep coping about it being as big as X all they want, it won't ever change the fact that to most people X still is the biggest platform.
No I think it's time to stop running away or "looking for alternative". If Trump is on the anti-woke side as they claim it's now or never to tear down that DEI wall. Unless of course, it's all fluff and lip service, just like his first term.
>you could fork iti'm honestly less worried about Godot than I am about unity in my honest opinion. You can continue to use godot without paying them a cent, alternatively you could fork it. Unity on the other hand if you make a game with it you always have to give them a kickback at the end of the day.
Godot you can just use it make your money and then give them nothing because they hate your politics and you in general.
Looks like they hit Ciri with the ugly stick.I don't even know if the game is woke or not...
It is DEI infested. If I remember CD Project RED went with Unreal Engine, because the original team that used their in-house engine quit due to the fact CDProject Red Was taking DEI money and the dev-team did not wish to have anything to do with it.I don't even know if the game is woke or not...
The only things I want out of capcom right now are a megaman starforce collection, and for then to port MH4U or at least MHGU to PC. Not a remake but a straight port.There is huge rumors spreading across Japan right now that Capcom is in major trouble internally and an important update on the Gaming Market's future that people are going to notice soon(this is my observation and my own opinion along with watching Videos and analyzing them in Japanese on where everything is going with how DEI has effected the market). I apologize for the length but I promise this is worth your time to read right now for all of us who love Japan and the Japanese market in the next few years.
1.Capcom in Major Trouble! A sign of a AAA collapse alongside Ubisoft DEI/ESG and Modern Audiences a deathblow.
1. Resident Evil Director of the Remakes, and Mainline series since Resident Evil 5(Yes he was the RE5 director as well) is rumored to be leaving after the next mainline Resident Evil and will be going somewhere else. This is very bad considering, DMC and Dragons Dogma is dead because Itsuno left, now you have the Resident Evil Director who has been around for a long time leaving as well. This means that Capcom is in severe trouble because the veteran creators are gone and you have no one to replace them to ride the ship of these franchises.
2. There is no more Remasters possible in the tank as they have run out of Franchises and Games to remaster and went through nearly virtually all of their library. So they can no longer do Remasters that can be sent out as a whole to hold them over, and the Re;Makes have been put on ice because it was getting more costly to remake Resident Evil and other games that it was not making it's money back due to rising expenses and not enough people being able to buy to offset what was being put into it with Production Values. RE4R was most likely expected to do 8 million in sales in the first two years and it barely did 7 million which puts them in debt internally.
4. SF6 is running on fumes, and there is proof in the credits that the models were outsourced to India which does explain why they are not the best looking and are very off as a whole. I will provide proof with a Photo as an edit later on.
5. Monster Hunter Wilds Sales Projections has been decreased internally. This is key and I will explain why.
This brings me to the final point here.
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Source: https://automaton-media.com/en/news...pment-contest-using-their-in-house-re-engine/
With Monster Hunter Wilds projected to do very poorly which was their huge big blockbuster franchise(it was expected to do more than World and Rise combined), without Veteran Creators around, and nothing left to Remaster or Remake, Add to this the fading Blue Ocean rapidly and a Red Ocean that is very angry in Japan and in the West it spells tragedy on the horizon. Capcom is hurrying up and giving their engine to University Students to hurry and put anything out right now because there is nothing left in these next few years. I predict a massive hit to the company and a restructuring happening soon. It's kind of obvious we all knew this was not a long term solution and the DEI and Blue Ocean money basically hit them hard as it was temporary success and not sustainable and long term success to cater to them. As the strategy to go for "Modern audiences" and Mainstream Casual audiences never works, and the DEI can only work temporarily before you have to pay it back. The Red Ocean is going to be in control in the West and the East. It's up to us to be vocal when tragedy hits Capcom and to tell them to stop censoring their games, and that we will buy from them again when they do so.
2.Future of Japanese Video Game Market, Smaller Publishers/Former Live Service Publishers see a way to break into volatile AAA market Reincarnation of 2014.
This is speculation from news reports, myself, and even in Japan, but this is highly plausible and there is evidence of this, be on the lookout for Smaller Japanese Companies popping up in these next few years. Because I have read Japanese comments that notice that DEI/ESG has hurt the bigger companies and see the big mistake they are making(including now knowing about Ubisoft and the Western Market being effected), and the smaller companies now feel like they can get into the Western Market and Japanese market instead of being relegated to the Live Service/Gacha market only. Think of the Anime/Fanservice games a decade ago, that is where they were forced into due to the collapse of the market thanks to Sony Policies and the concentration of power from DEI/ESG preventing any collab efforts with them to expand West due to Fanservice restrictions aka the Censorship Branches from Capcom, Sony, Square Enix and others. So their only lifeline was Gacha/Live Service and to stay in Japan, or even worse if you are Marvelous you were dumb enough to signed a contract for Senran Kagura S7ven that it MUST BE a Sony Exclusive Game and it can not deviate from that until SIE is moved back to Japan at the HQ and so they have to rely on Gacha/Live Service at home to keep the IP alive and Takaki the creator of Senran Kagura has recently said he would not mind coming back to it again, but it's obvious they are waiting until SIE moves back to Sony HQ.
But here is the thing, The AAA market in a volatile position and everyone looking for alternatives, smaller companies in Japan notice it and are making shifts now because of the growth of the Switch/PC Market in Japan and the West. We are seeing more games release West and in Japan from Indie Japanese Publishers like PLAYISM, Qureate(Former D3 Developers), and even a very small company in Bushiroad who is a former Gacha Publisher(also former Card Tabletop Company) is intending to bringing over 13 games(Upgraded from 10 games earlier in the year) on Console/PC a year they mostly work on Anime Collaborations and smaller games. A notable one coming West next year is "Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TOKIMEKI Roadmap to Future" which would usually be a Japan only title but they are deciding to bring it West as a Visual Novel. Probably this is due to the fact AI Translations exist and they are realizing they can save costs and bring everything over now with Fanservice without needing a middleman.
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Source: https://automaton-media.com/en/news...ole-games-with-13-new-titles-in-the-pipeline/
This will not be the only companies coming West, far from it, and that the Live Service(Gacha) publishers will not abandon the Live Service market completely in Japan, but this is to say they will split their Game releases now. So instead of only making Live Service Games, they will make 4 Live Service and 4 Console/PC games, or mostly go to Console/PC Games with some Live Service in the mix. Because they know that the AAA market is volatile and it's their chance to get in when everyone wants new ideas, new games, new franchises and have both audiences, and be the alternative to DEI/ESG. It's up to us to advertise, and try to help them get in the West as they are taking the opportunity to come over here. Not everything is going to be up to our standards, I know the usual audience who loves Gacha or hates what exists is going to say Anime Games are cheaply made and some are not the best, but we can try to advertise and help what we think is quality and get them an audience in the West and work with them as influencers on Youtube, Social Media and try to help them out to help them grow an audience just like everyone did a decade ago in 2014, when all of these new companies were entering into the West, some will be bad, some will be good(Experience Inc), some will even surprise us(Marvelous, Compile Heart). They are going to be varying sizes of companies from small to medium some of varying quality. So that is something everyone needs to be mindful of. They are not all with big backing and big money they are smaller than Compile Heart or where they started when they just started to get into the market. We need to help grow them into a good size so we have more options in the market than less.
But at least they will provide Fanservice in their works and try to give us what we like and what we have missed out on content wise this last decade in terms of Anime Video Games or Fanservice Video Games. We do not mind if it's not all 3D or if it's not all perfect and overly produced. The fact they give us this content and try to cater to us as a niche is good enough as it is and if they do really well with audiences, they have a potential to grow and become like a Compile Heart/IFI or a Marvelous and make games we like and provide and cater to us as a niche audience, we also need to email and tell them to provide AI Translations, and give us Authentic Translations and be as Fanservice as they can possibly be with great gameplay. To provide the content we have been sorely missing out on. I do not want want them to be a AAA sized company, sell themselves out for the modern audiences, DEI/ESG route or be a big corporation with overly produced content. That does not matter to me and I am sure it does not matter to anyone here either. All that matters is they do their best, be the alternative to the DEI/ESG and whoever does a good job get's to grow in the West and has an audience here.
Also if anyone does notice Nihon Falcom is thinking to Self Publish and go all in with AI Translations. We need to show our support through emails, Social Media, Interviews(if anyone can be in contact with Kondo and do an interview please tell him we support it) and advertise heavily if they do go this route and show it sells and it's popular and even purchase from them to show it's worth their time and money to give us the AI Translations and Uncensored product. The more we do this, the more the market will change and others will follow. We also need to email Japanese Companies coming over, tell them this is the route to take to break into the Western Market when they begin to come over in these next few years and that we will help advertise, we will help fund and do everything we can to make them successful here. It's going to take a team effort as Creators, Influencers and Social Media. But it will be worth it for a better market than the one we currently have and effectively we will not have to face this issue again down the road. Both of our audiences in Japan and the West as a Red Ocean can change the destiny of the future now that the Blue Ocean is fading out.
This took a lot out of me to write and to give my honest opinions and the observation of the market on countering DEI/ESG but this is important as I think we all see the past repeating again and we have a window to correct everything from ten years ago and to try and help shift the market to be a bigger one than we have. The will, the message and the power is with us. One with more options and one where the future generations do not have to deal with the decades of torment and punishment we have had to go through with awful translations, unnecessary censorship and lower standards. I will have more writings later on especially of the Potential Change of the Gacha market, but that is another thread and another place.
I hope it is not. I would like to see what it has when it's available or if it's true or not. But still that is bad.Forced raytracing? So basically fuck everyone who owns an equivalent of the RTX 20 series except for raytracing capabilities, huh?
For me I feel like this but with Konami. I just would like the final MGS collection so I can buy and then leave Konami. But for Monster Hunter it seems like it would be a long time before they even remaster it or bring the rest of the series over.The only things I want out of capcom right now are a megaman starforce collection, and for then to port MH4U or at least MHGU to PC. Not a remake but a straight port.
Then capcom can die for all I care I just want proper hunting lobbies for those 2 monster hunter games on PC instead of MH4U being dead on the 3ds and using 3rd party servers or MHGU being chained to the switch.
It is DEI infested. If I remember CD Project RED went with Unreal Engine, because the original team that used their in-house engine quit due to the fact CDProject Red Was taking DEI money and the dev-team did not wish to have anything to do with it.
What happened was EAS felt like they had to censor to get on Steam and Nintendo due to not only NOA but also Nintendo Of Asia told them to remove the minigame, Steam denied(Mary). Panicked and basically kept the cut content on GOG because they thought GOG would not accept it.Well I picked up tokyo clanpool when it released today on gog. (compile heart drpg that finally came to out in english turns out compile heart censored it and cut content. The queers took out the ether induction minigame (touching) I just hope gog will give me a refund
(Fuck that urinalist btw) Another Japanese company has fallen.
And also nintendo just gets worse
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth trilogy and Death end re;Quest: Code Z for Switch canceled for the west [Update]
The Switch versions of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation, and Death end re;Quest: Code Z will…www.gematsu.com
Nintendo cuts Swimsuit DLC for Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos, PlayStation unaffected
The upcoming release Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos will be censored on the Nintendo Switch after Idea Factory showed that only the PS4 and PS5 will receive it. The store page for the game shows that the…nichegamer.com
Well, another day another stretch of nothing to buy and play it seems.